Can I leave the forest hunter covenant?
Correct answer: Leaving a covenant by joining another covenant or killing a member of the covenant counts as a betrayal. Talking to Oswald, The priest in the church allows you to leave the covenant without betraying them.
Does fighting SIF break Forest covenant?
This is not true and the only way to progress in the game is to kill Sif; it is not an optional boss. Your dealings with Sif have no impact on the Forest Hunter covenant.
Can you join forest hunters after killing SIF?
Yeah they just use Sif as an excuse. The Forest Hunters just want to slay those low level gankers.
What happens if you kill Shiva of the East?
If you decide to kill Shiva and his bodyguard for their items after joining the covenant, you may have to break the covenant by attacking them in Blight town. I cancelled the covenant via Oswald and although Shiva vanished from the swamp, he didn’t reappear in the forest.
What does joining a covenant do in Dark Souls?
Joining this Covenant allows you to enter a pact with Gravelord Nito, one of the Lord demons. First, you must have an Eye of Death in your inventory. You can buy one from Patches in the Tomb of the Giants for 3,000 souls, or you can find them in the Catacombs and Tomb of the Giants.
Where is the forest covenant?
Darkroot Garden
How to join the Forest Hunter Covenant in Dark Souls. You will be able to find the Forest Hunters in Darkroot Garden, just past the crest of Artorias and before Sif, guarded by numerous strong enemies along the way. The Forest Hunters allow you to guard Darkroot Garden, after giving you the Cat Covenant Ring.
Is Sif A Girl Dark Souls?
In Norse mythology, Sif is the golden-haired wife of the god Thor. The goddess Sif’s name in Old Norse is pronounced /siːf/, “seef”, though it is often anglicized to /sɪf/, “siff”. It is also a female given name in modern day Iceland. These traits are shared with the Dark Souls boss Sif.
Is the old wolf of Farron Sif?
The Old Wolf is Sif Though it has a different shape and size, it is nevertheless a giant wolf, which in itself evokes this theory. The Undead Legion were created in Artorias’s memory and sought to cleanse the abyss. Like Sif protected Artorias, so too does the Old Wolf protect the Undead Legion.
Where do I go after killing the wolf?
You need to wear the ring and go to New Londo which is down below Firelink Shrine. Think about who Sif is and what he drops. The item is key to accessing another area.
What sword does Shiva want?
Lore. Because of his armor, the Shadow Set, Shiva’s Bodyguard is likely a “spook” (involved in espionage) from an Eastern Land. However, rather than wielding the Claw, the preferred weapon of the spooks, he wields the Uchigatana.
Can I kill Shiva?
No you can’t. The Iron Round Shield is unique to Shiva, and the DWGR is unique to the ninja. Somewhere along the line, they need to be killed to get the items. Even trading with another player means that the other guy had to kill them for it.
What do you lose when you switch covenant?
“You will lose access to all of your previous Covenant perks immediately upon switching This includes abilities, Sanctum progress, transmogs, and Soulbinds, as well as any Renown associated with that Covenant.”