How do I contact Stage Stores?

How do I contact Stage Stores?

Stage Stores Headquarters Address and Contact

  1. Address: 2425 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027, United States.
  2. Phone Number: 800-579-2302.
  3. Fax Number: N/A.
  4. Email: N/A.
  5. Number of Employees: 14500.
  6. Established: 1988.
  7. Founder: N/A.
  8. Key People: Mr. Michael L. Glazer (CEO)

Do Stage Stores still exist?

Stage Stores operated 782 department stores in 42 states, almost all of which were eventually converted to their flagship brand, Gordmans, which it acquired in 2017….Stage Stores.

Stage Stores, Inc. Corporate Office
Founded 1988
Fate Chapter 11 bankruptcy
Headquarters Houston, Texas
Number of locations 786 (2019)

Who bought out Stage Stores?

Bealls Inc.
Bealls Inc. bought Stage Stores’ intellectual property, including the trade name of Stage’s Bealls banner, as well as fee rights to a distribution center for some $7 million.

Who owns gordmans?

Stage Stores
Gordmans/Parent organizations

“It’s a shame” to lose a long-time business. Stage Stores bought Gordmans in 2017 following its own bankruptcy. However, the retailer’s troubles began in part due to slumping sales and a disappointing holiday season.

How many locations does Stage Stores have?

Stage Stores/Number of locations

Did Jetall buy Stage Stores?

The buyers already have ties to Stage Stores: Bradenton, Florida-based Bealls Inc. was the buyer in one deal, and Houston-based Jetall Companies Inc. paid $7 million to acquire Stage Stores’ intellectual property and the fee interest for Stage Stores’ 435,196-square-foot distribution center in Jacksonville, Texas.

Who is the CEO of Stage Stores?

Michael L Glazer (Jun 12, 2012–)
Stage Stores/CEO

What is happening to Stage Stores?

US off-price department store operator Stage Stores is to wind down its business after failing to find a buyer. The move to liquidate the company and shutter all 720 stores has been approved by a Texas bankruptcy court, and completes plans announced in May when the retailer filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Are Gordmans stores still open?

Gordmans was a chain of Midwestern off-price department stores founded in Omaha, Nebraska. The chain was owned by Stage Stores since March 2017….Gordmans.

Type Subsidiary
Defunct August 29, 2020
Fate Bankruptcy
Headquarters Houston, Texas
Number of locations 157 (September, 2019)

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