What is suffix example ment?

What is suffix example ment?

A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word which makes a new word. If you see a word ending in -ment, for example, it is likely to be a noun (e.g. commitment, contentment).

What is the suffix for ment?

The suffix ‘-ment’ means the act of doing something or the result of an action.

What word has ment?

14 letter words containing ment

  • disappointment.
  • accomplishment.
  • aforementioned.
  • understatement.
  • acknowledgment.
  • fundamentalism.
  • sentimentality.
  • discouragement.

What is the root word of ment?

common suffix of Latin origin forming nouns, originally from French and representing Latin -mentum, which was added to verb stems to make nouns indicating the result or product of the action of the verb or the means or instrument of the action.

What is the suffix age mean?

-age. suffix forming nouns. indicating a collection, set, or groupacreage; baggage. indicating a process or action or the result of an actionhaulage; passage; breakage. indicating a state, condition, or relationshipbondage; parentage.

How many suffix words are there?

Think of the 26 common suffixes that follow as clues to the meanings of words, however, bear in mind that the meanings of words are best determined by studying the contexts in which they are used as well as the construction of the words themselves.

What is an example of a suffix ment?

Use -ment in a sentence. suffix. Ment is defined as a result, condition, process or is defined as of doing something. An example of ment is movement, which is the changing of position. An example of ment is payment, which is what is paid by a person. An example of ment is retirement, which is a person taking themself out of the workforce.

What does the suffix ment means?

This ROOT-WORD is the Suffix MENT meaning ACT Of, STATE OF & RESULT OF AN ACTION. MENT makes nouns out of verbs when added to them.

What does the root word ment mean?

The root word ment- means the act of, state of , and result of an action. alignment- result of setting a line. instrument- a means to get a result; a tool.

What are examples of prefixes and suffixes?

Common prefixes include un-, dis-, mal-, non-, mid-, and mini-, while common suffixes are –ed, -s, -es, -ing. Suffixes often indicate the tense or number of a word, but can also be used to indicate the part of speech. For example, adding –ly to the end of a word often indicates that word is an adverb.

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