What is the pathogenesis of mycetoma?

What is the pathogenesis of mycetoma?

These bacteria and fungi may enter the body through a break in the skin, often on a person’s foot. The resulting infection causes firm, usually painless but debilitating masses under the skin that can eventually affect the underlying bone. Mycetoma can be caused by bacteria (actinomycetoma) or fungi (eumycetoma).

What disease does mycetoma cause?

Mycetoma is a chronic, granulomatous disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which sometimes involves muscle, bone, and neighboring organs. It is characterized by tumefaction, abscess formation, and fistulae. It typically affects the lower extremities, but it can occur in almost any region of the body.

How is mycetoma diagnosed?

Diagnosis. The diagnosis of mycetoma is based on clinical presentation and identification of the causative organisms which can be detected by directly examining the grains that are discharged by the sinuses. The samples can be obtained from any open discharging sinus by Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) or surgical biopsy.

What fungus causes mycetoma?

Mycetoma may be caused by filamentous bacteria (actinomycotic mycetoma or actinomycetoma) or fungi (eumycotic mycetoma or eumycetoma). The most common bacterial causes are Nocardia brasiliensis, Actinomadurae madurae, Streptomyces somaliensis, and Actinomadura pelletieria.

Which is the major causative agent for mycetoma?

Mycetoma is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by true fungi (eumycetoma) or filamentous bacteria (actinomycetoma). It usually involves the subcutaneous tissue after a traumatic inoculation of the causative organism.

What are symptoms of Mycetoma?

What are the symptoms of mycetoma?

  • starts with a painless lump under the skin.
  • progresses to open infection discharging small ‘grains’ containing fungal spores.
  • causes swollen, disfigured body parts – most commonly hands and feet, back, and buttocks.

What are the symptoms of Mycetoma?

What causes fungal balls?

Saprophytic fungi (those that live on dead or decaying matter) will grow in the sinus and live on the mucous and dead cells that become trapped in the cavity. This type of fungal sinusitis produces clumps of spores, a “fungal ball”. Typically, only a single sinus is involved.

Can you cough up fungus balls?

When people with lung cavities are also infected with aspergillus, fungus fibers may find their way into the cavities and grow into tangled masses (fungus balls) known as aspergillomas. Aspergillomas may produce no symptoms or cause only a mild cough at first.

What is Eumycotic mycetoma?

Eumycetoma (“mycotic mycetoma”) is a chronic subcutaneous fungal infection of the skin and soft tissue, most often affecting the lower extremity (typically a single foot) [1].

Which is the major causative agent for Mycetoma?

What kind of disease is mycetoma in the foot?

Pathology of Mycetoma (Madura Foot ; Maduromycosis) Dr Sampurna Roy MD Mycetoma is a localized chronic, and deforming granulomatous infectious disease of subcutaneous tissues, skin and bones, that is present worldwide and endemic in tropical and subtropical regions. It is a pathological process in which the causative agents – a fungus

Where does mycetoma usually occur in the body?

Definition Mycetoma, or maduromycosis, is a slow-growing bacterial or fungal infection focused in one area of the body, usually the foot. Although the bacteria and fungi that cause mycetoma are found in soil worldwide, the disease occurs mainly in tropical areas in India, Africa, South America, Central America, and southeast Asia.

Which is an alternate name for mycetoma in India?

Mycetoma, or maduromycosis, is a slow-growing bacterial or fungal infection focused in one area of the body, usually the foot. For this reason—and because the first medical reports were from doctors in Madura, India—an alternate name for the disease is Madura foot.

What are the symptoms of fungal and bacterial mycetoma?

Symptoms are similar for bacterial and fungal mycetoma. Both appear as firm, painless masses under the skin. These masses usually appear on a person’s foot but can form anywhere on the body.

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