What word means the opposite of benefits?
Opposite of an advantage or profit gained from something. disadvantage. downside. drawback. detriment.
What is the negative form of benefit?
“Detriment” is the most formal opposite of “benefit.” “Drawback” also works.
What is the opposite of health benefits?
The opposite of a health benefit is a health penalty.
What is the opposite of trembling?
Opposite of characterized by shaking or quivering. still. motionless. stationary. immobile.
What is the opposite of 2?
The opposite reciprocal of 2 would be -1/2. To find the opposite reciprocal, first find the reciprocal.
What is the opposite of a victim?
Opposite of a person harmed or killed as a result of an unfortunate event or action. assailant. antagonist. perpetrator. attacker.
What does it mean when someone is trembling?
to shake involuntarily with quick, short movements, as from fear, excitement, weakness, or cold; quake; quiver. to be troubled with fear or apprehension. (of things) to be affected with vibratory motion. to be tremulous, as light or sound: His voice trembled.
What is it called when your body shivers?
Severe chills with violent shivering are called rigors. Rigors occur because the patient’s body is shivering in a physiological attempt to increase body temperature to the new set point. Located in the posterior hypothalamus near the wall of the third ventricle is an area called the primary motor center for shivering.
What is an advantage and disadvantage?
absence or deprivation of advantage or equality. the state or an instance of being in an unfavorable circumstance or condition: to be at a disadvantage. something that puts one in an unfavorable position or condition: His bad temper is a disadvantage.
What is disadvantage example?
The definition of a disadvantage is an unfavorable situation or something that puts someone in an unfavorable situation. An example of a disadvantage is a baseball player not being able to play. An example of a disadvantage is a baseball team’s star player having to sit out because of an injury.
What’s the opposite of to the power of 2?
Which is the best synonym for the word shaky?
Synonyms for shaky. aquiver, atremble, quaking, quavery, quivering, shaking, shuddering, shuddery,
Which is the opposite of the word shake?
Opposite of to shake or vibrate jerkily or nervously Opposite of to wave (something) about, especially to attract attention “Previously, men had tarried just long enough to plant the banner of their expedition before retreating from their humbling vantage point.”
What is the opposite of the word ” benefit “?
“The uselessness of the company’s health and safety policy has caused many to lose faith in their products.” “His case will be heard by a three-member disciplinary commission, which will judge the case and assess the penalty .” “It is complete nonsense to ask God for something, to offer Him an exchange, or even to threaten Him.”
Is there such a thing as a shaky government?
Beijing might say yes, pointing to the shaky loyalty of the population. The lawyer who spoke to him that day remembered his voice sounding shaky, his words coming too fast to understand. TO STAY OR TO GO? HANNAH DREIERDECEMBER 26, 2020 WASHINGTON POST It’s an attempt to balance a lot of what the government views as shaky forces.