What is the output of SQL command?
The SQL Statement Output area shows the outgoing SQL statement created by the task. If the task has a non-SQL Main Source or no Main Source, the are will be disabled and empty.
How do you print output in SQL?
Declare @SumVal int; Select @SumVal=Sum(Amount) From Expense; Print @SumVal; You can, of course, print any number of fields from the table in this way. Of course, if you want to print all of the results from a query that returns multiple rows, you’d just direct your output appropriately (e.g. to Text).
How do I get last 5 characters of a string in SQL?
SQL Server RIGHT() Function
- Extract 3 characters from a string (starting from right): SELECT RIGHT(‘SQL Tutorial’, 3) AS ExtractString;
- Extract 5 characters from the text in the “CustomerName” column (starting from right):
- Extract 100 characters from a string (starting from right):
How is the output statement used in ISQL?
The OUTPUT statement outputs data to a file or database. The OUTPUT statement is used directly after a statement that retrieves the data to be output. To export multiple result sets, use syntax 1 and set the isql_show_multiple_result_sets option to On. Interactive SQL creates a file for each result set.
What are some of the string functions in SQL?
Following are the string functions defined in SQL: ASCII(): This function is used to find the ASCII value of a character. CHAR_LENGTH(): This function is used to find the length of a word. CHARACTER_LENGTH(): This function is used to find the length of a line. CONCAT(): This function is used to add two words or strings.
Why is SQL putting text in query output?
SQL putting text in query output. Sometimes, it is required to get an organized output from a SELECT QUERY. For that, it is better to include some user defined columns from the outside at runtime. These columns are valid only for this output. These included columns will appear as a column head and also as the contents for that column.
What happens when output clause is detected in SQL Server?
When SQL Server detects such a column in the OUTPUT clause, error 4186 is raised. When you are capturing the results of an OUTPUT clause in a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement and inserting those results into a target table, keep the following information in mind: The whole operation is atomic.