What is an outrush?
: an act or an instance of rushing out : a rapid outflow … the outrush of people to the West was threatening to bring about the collapse of the East German state …—
What does the word inrush mean?
: a crowding or flooding in.
What defines our current?
Current is a flow of electrical charge carriers, usually electrons or electron-deficient atoms. The common symbol for current is the uppercase letter I. One ampere of current represents one coulomb of electrical charge (6.24 x 1018 charge carriers) moving past a specific point in one second.
How does inrush current limiter work?
An NTC thermistor limits an inrush current with its high initial resistance, and then its temperature rises because of energization and its resistance falls to a few percent of its level at room temperature, thus achieving a power loss that is lower than when a fixed resistor is used.
What is an example of cash outflow?
In simple terms, the term cash outflow describes any money leaving a business. Obvious examples of cash outflow as experienced by a wide range of businesses include employees’ salaries, the maintenance of business premises and dividends that have to be paid to shareholders.
What is water outflow?
Outflow includes groundwater discharge to surface water bodies, evapotranspiration, pumping, springflow, discharge through seepage faces along hillslopes, and any other losses of water from the system.
What is an example of current?
Current is defined as the movement of water in a specific direction. An example of current is when a river moves towards a waterfall.
Which is the most correct definition of current?
1 : the part of a fluid body (as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction. 2 : a flow of electric charge also : the rate of such flow. More from Merriam-Webster on current.
How is inrush current calculated?
Inrush current calculations: Approximately inrush current I(peak) is equal to the ratio between the root 2 times of maximum applied voltage to DC winding resistance. This calculation gives you the approximate value of the inrush current to understand.
Which is the best definition of the word outrush?
Definition of outrush. (Entry 1 of 2) : an act or an instance of rushing out : a rapid outflow … the outrush of people to the West was threatening to bring about the collapse of the East German state …— Neal Asherson an outrush of water from the pipe. outrush. verb.
What does the word ” rush out ” mean?
: an act or an instance of rushing out : a rapid outflow … the outrush of people to the West was threatening to bring about the collapse of the East German state … — Neal Asherson an outrush of water from the pipe
What is an outrush of water from a pipe?
: an act or an instance of rushing out : a rapid outflow … the outrush of people to the West was threatening to bring about the collapse of the East German state …— Neal Asherson an outrush of water from the pipe. outrush.