What is the word unconsecrated mean?
: not having been made or declared sacred : not consecrated buried in unconsecrated ground an unconsecrated offering.
Is unconsecrated a word?
Anything that’s unconsecrated hasn’t been declared to be sacred. The act of blessing them is called consecration, from the Latin sacrare, or “dedicate.” Unconsecrated things have not been dedicated or imbued with holiness. A religious believer might object to a deceased relative’s burial in an unconsecrated cemetery.
What is a good synonym for cautious?
Some common synonyms of cautious are chary, circumspect, and wary. While all these words mean “prudently watchful and discreet in the face of danger or risk,” cautious implies the exercise of forethought usually prompted by fear of danger.
What is another word for Smithies?
What is another word for smithy?
blacksmith | anvil |
farrier | horseshoer |
plover | ironsmith |
shoer |
What is unconsecrated grave?
An unpurchased grave, sometimes known as a public or common grave, is where the right to burial cannot be bought and the council has total control of the grave. The Council will decide who will be buried in the grave and this might not be members of the same family.
Can a church be unconsecrated?
Deconsecration, also called secularization, is the act of removing a religious blessing from something that had been previously consecrated by a minister or priest of that religion. The practice is usually performed on churches or synagogues to be rendered to non-religious (secular) use or demolished.
What is the opposite of blacksmith?
The word blacksmith refers to a craftsman who creates or repairs objects made of iron in a forge. There are no categorical antonyms for this word.
What is another word for once more?
What is another word for once more?
again | afresh |
anew | one more time |
another time | a second time |
once again | over again |
de novo | for a second time |
Who gets buried in unconsecrated ground?
Every parishioner had the right of burial within his parish, although non-conformists were usually buried in non-consecrated ground, as before 1880 no body could be buried in consecrated ground except with the service of the Church, which the incumbent of the parish or a person authorized by him was bound to perform.
What is the meaning of the word unconsecrated?
un·con·se·crat·ed | \\ˌən-ˈkän(t)-sə-ˌkrā-təd \\. : not having been made or declared sacred : not consecrated buried in unconsecrated ground an unconsecrated offering.
Which is the best definition of the word con?
verb (used with object), con·se·crat·ed, con·se·crat·ing. to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity: to consecrate a new church building.
Which is the unconsecrated part of the cemetery?
I desire to be buried in the unconsecrated part of the cemetery, in the spot where six months ago I caused a stake to be driven. Dame La Theyn looked upon pious language as profanity when uttered in an unconsecrated place.
What does it mean to consecrate a church building?
to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity: to consecrate a new church building.