What is Tumblr and what does it do for You?
Tumblr is blogs. Turns out that when you make it easy to create interesting things, that’s exactly what people do. All those great, random blogs your friends send you, those are Tumblr blogs. We’ll help you find and follow blogs like that, and we’ll help other people find and follow yours.
When to do a back up on Tumblr?
As a first step, blog owners should make a backup before December 17. Tumblr says that users will still be able to do this afterwards, but given the buggy-ness in the AI system, and the scale of the take-down project, why risk a technical glitch that may wipe out content?
Are there any other social media sites like Tumblr?
In response to Tumblr, Mastodon created a post with reasons to choose its platform as your new social media site. “It’s a completely decentralised social network which combines the best bits of Twitter and Tumblr, but the technology is structured in a way whereby it can never be shut down,” a post advocating the switch to Mastodon says.
Is there a way to export a Tumblr blog?
Tumblr says that users will still be able to do this afterwards, but given the buggy-ness in the AI system, and the scale of the take-down project, why risk a technical glitch that may wipe out content? Tumblr offers its own export tool under Account>Help>Your account>Blog management> Export your blog.
Who is the Tumblr girl on Tinder?
The outpouring of people on social media will give you a reason to live again. Depression is an art form, darling. If you want filtered happiness, visit my Tinder profile or Instagram. I am Tumblr Girl. You know those women in Victorian paintings? The ones covered in flowers, yet exuding a strength in their death?
How to look like a girl on Tumblr?
Instead of flowers, adorn your hair with an unnatural shade of pink or lavender or white. Filter your skin to look porcelain, but don’t forget to bemoan how people aren’t authentic anymore or whatever. I’m so real.
What kind of stuff can you put on Tumblr?
Tumblr is so easy to use that it’s hard to explain. We made it really, really simple for people to make a blog and put whatever they want on it. Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff.
What kind of things can you find on Tumblr?
Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff. Tumblr is 478 million different blogs, filled with literally whatever.
Who is the owner of the Tumblr website?
Currently, it owned by Oath Inc. The main function of Tumblr is to make posting blogs, videos, quotes, GIFs, and photos easier for its users. Tumblr also allows you to reblog your favorite posts by other bloggers as well.
Is there a way to hack into someones Tumblr account?
This will allow you to hack someone’s Tumblr account without getting noticed or detected. Once done with the installation procedure, you can hack into your target’s Tumblr account without any problem. Visit the app’s dashboard from any browser, and you will be to see all the data that is related to your target’s device.
What’s the difference between a Tumblr blog and a blog?
Tumblr is blogs. Turns out that when you make it easy to create interesting things, that’s exactly what people do. All those great, random blogs your friends send you, those are Tumblr blogs.
Which is the most popular music blog in the world?
Chicago/NYC About Blog Pitchfork is the web’s most popular music resource, with expansive daily coverage of indie rock, hip-hop, electronic, pop, metal, and experimental music. Publishing daily reviews, features, and interviews, as well as real-time music news coverage. Frequency about 84 posts per week.
Is it possible to login to Tumblr on Android?
Its no longer possible to login on tumblr, it just returns to the login screen. tested on opera mini 7.5 for android and java on various devices (htc wildfire, generic java phone and android ereader) Delete and retype your password.
How can I get single column view back on Tumblr?
Go into the settings of Opera Mini and toggle Single Column view to “on”. The Tumblr homepage will look outdated and frankly horrific next compared to how it appears when single column view is disabled, but after login you can change back and all will be fine.
What happens when you touch someone on Tumblr?
This Emitter type Quirk activates whenever the user comes in contact with a person. Once done, the user may create a baseball sized, clear orb that is connected to the person they touched. This orb acts similar to a crystal ball, transferring the what the target sees, hears, and their current condition, even over long ranges.
How many orbs can you make on Tumblr?
Once done, the user may create a baseball sized, clear orb that is connected to the person they touched. This orb acts similar to a crystal ball, transferring the what the target sees, hears, and their current condition, even over long ranges. The user can have twenty of these orbs active at a time and other people can see and hear out of them.