Can I reenlist with a reentry code 3?
Individuals with an RE Code of “3” can normally reenlist in the Air Force or another Service, but will probably require a waiver to be processed. Individuals with an Air Force RE Code of “4” are normally not eligible to reenlist in the Air Force, nor join another service.
Can you reenlist with an RE3?
An RE3 code means he is ineligible to reenlist in any service unless he gets a waiver. if he wants to go Army, he should talk to an Army recruiter about whether he can get a waiver.
How do I get a re-3 waiver?
You have to work with a recruiter who helps you initiate a waiver request. I would assume the USNUSMC works the same way. AR 601-210 Chapter 3 will give you an idea of what you are up against.
Can you get a waiver for RE4?
Eligibility: Ineligible for enlistment. Note: RE4 and discharged as TDRL and fit for duty. Eligibility: Qualified for enlistment, provided reason and authority does not preclude enlistment or require a waiver. Applicant may not enlist until 93 days after separation if otherwise qualified.
How do I change my discharge code?
You can apply to the Discharge Review Board (DRB) of your branch of the service for a discharge upgrade or a change in the discharge reason (that is, character of service).
Can you become an officer with an RE4?
Normally awarded for misconduct, an Other Than Honorable (OTH), Bad Conduct (BCD), or Dishonorable Discharge would render one ineligible for reenlistment.
What is a Chapter 4 military discharge?
Airmen who are undergoing a Court-Martial may hear about something called a Chapter 4 Request. This is a request from an Airman to be administratively discharged instead of having to face a Court-Martial. If the request is approved, all charges are dismissed and the Airman is discharged administratively.
Can you get a waiver for a re-3 code?
Technically yes, depending on the specific RE-3 code. However in reality… don’t count on it. The reality is that with cutbacks and drawdowns, downsizing and sequestration…. Getting a waiver for just about anything is damned near impossible.
What’s the difference between RE Code 3 and 4?
RE Code 3: May normally reenlist but a waiver will probably be required. RE Code 4: Normally not eligible to reenlist, nor join another service. Usually will require an Exception to Policy waiver to reenlist.
Can You reenlist with a re code of 3?
Individuals with a Navy/Marine/Coast Guard RE Code of “3” can normally reenlist in their service or another Service, but will probably require a waiver to be processed. Individuals with a Navy/Marine/Coast Guard RE Code of “4” are normally not eligible to reenlist in their service, nor join another service.
Who is ineligible for military re-3b waiver?
RE-3B: Individuals who have time lost during their last period of service. Ineligible for enlistment unless waiver is granted. (paragraphs 2-7 and 2-8a). Applicable to EM who have time lost during their last period of service.