How do you care for Cyphastrea corals?
They require a moderate, indirect flow to ensure that no detritus builds up on their body. As they grow however their shape can become more of a detritus trap and you may have to change things up to keep them clean. If the detritus is allowed to build up it will over time kill the coral underneath.
Is Cyphastrea coral aggressive?
They just encrust but they do get aggressive if there is something in there way but for the most part they are pretty peaceful.
What type of coral is Cyphastrea?
Cyphastrea is a genus of true encrusting coral; only one species, the Lesser Knob Coral (Cyphastrea decadia) will form axial and radial branching colonies. Cyphastrea can also see plate forms on occasion but the encrusting variety is by far the most common.
Is Cyphastrea hard to keep?
The Meteor Shower Cyphastrea Coral is easy to keep and grows well in most reef aquariums. They are a great choice for adding a splash of color to lower flow, lower light areas of your reef aquarium.
Is Cyphastrea a SPS?
Cyphastrea is tricky because the polyps resemble SPS polyps, but they are much larger than any SPS polyp. It usually likes low light like an LPS, but there is a branching variation that resembles acropora that prefers higher light.
Is Favia aggressive?
Favia corals are infamously aggressive. They can form surprisingly long sweeper tentacles, which are specialized tentacles designed to sting, maim or even kill neighboring corals.
How fast does Favia coral grow?
outward in less than 3 weeks. For me Favia has been the fastest grower. Mine grew about 3/4 of in. outward in less than 3 weeks.
What is a lepto coral?
Leptoseris corals are a small polyp stony coral that is a relative newcomer in the reef aquarium market. The common name for Leptoseris is wrinkle coral but just about everyone in the hobby refers to this coral by its scientific name rather than its common name.
Is Cyphastrea easy to grow?
Can you put Favia next to each other?
Favia species are not compatible with each other, they will most likely fight like any other coral on coral warfare.
What kind of coral is a Cyphastrea coral?
Cyphastrea are a massive reef building species and are part of the stony coral family Merulinidae. In the hobby they are available predominantly in an encrusting variety although there are unusual branching AND plating varieties available from time to time.
How does the meteor shower Cyphastrea coral survive?
The Meteor Shower Cyphastrea Coral satisfies the majority of its nutritional requirements by means of photosynthetic, symbiotic zooxanthellae algae hosted within its body. It will benefit from supplemental feedings in the form of micro-plankton or foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates.
Which is the easiest coral to care for?
Now that we covered some background on Cyphastrea, let’s look at some of their care requirements. Cyphastrea are one of the easiest stony corals to care for and it is often recommended to reefers who are delving into hard coral care for the first time mainly because it loves lower light conditions.
How to care for Cyphastrea, low or high light?
How to Care for Cyphastrea? Low or High Light? Low or High Flow? LED or T5 Lighting? Can you Feed Th Frag Swap Crusader! I an considering getting a Superman or Meteor Shower Cyphastrea and was wondering how to best keep them. Are they Easy to keep or Hard to keep? Do they like Low Light or High Light? Do they like Low Flow or High Flow?