How do I apply multiple filters in Excel VBA?

How do I apply multiple filters in Excel VBA?

2 Answers. Use Advanced Filter to use “AND” & “OR” criteria on multiple columns. in the filter sheet enter all the columnnames in one row. Example: If row 1 has headers then row 2 should contain the values for “AND” condition and row 3 should contain values for “OR” condition.

Can you set multiple filters in Excel?

No you can’t do that but you can create ‘Custom Views’ to quickly switch between different filters. View tab| Custom View|Add and give that view a name. OK out. Add another filter which clears the first then add this as another custom view.

How do I filter data in Excel using macros?

Step 1: Record or Write the Macro

  1. Clear the filters on your sheet or Table.
  2. Turn the macro recorder on (Developer Tab > Record Macro button)
  3. Give the macro a name.
  4. Choose to Store macro in: This Workbook.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Apply filters to one or more columns using the Filter Drop-down menus.

How do I filter multiple criteria?

Multiple criteria, one column, any criteria true

  1. Insert at least three blank rows above the list range that can be used as a criteria range.
  2. To find rows that meet multiple criteria for one column, type the criteria directly below each other in separate rows of the criteria range.
  3. Click a cell in the list range.

What is selection AutoFilter in VBA?

Excel VBA AutoFilter. AutoFilter in VBA is used as an expression and the syntax for it as follows Expression. Autofilter(Field, Criteria 1, Operator, Criteria 2, Dropdown) all of the arguments are optional. The filter is helpful in filtering the particular data from the huge data.

How do I add additional filters in Excel?

Try it!

  1. Select any cell within the range.
  2. Select Data > Filter.
  3. Select the column header arrow .
  4. Select Text Filters or Number Filters, and then select a comparison, like Between.
  5. Enter the filter criteria and select OK.

How do I sort filtered data in Excel VBA?

Below are the key parameters you need to know:

  1. Key – here you need to specify the column that you want to sort.
  2. Order – here you specify whether you want the sorting in an ascending order or the descending order.
  3. Header – here you specify whether your data set has headers or not.

How to do multiple filtering in Excel VBA?

Multiple Filtering in Excel VBA? I’m trying to filter my data using 2 columns and 2 different filter requirements. If I filter by yes then it work and if I filter by Low it also works. However if I try and filter range K2-ZZ200 by yes and then Column E by Low it seems to hide everything. Any ideas?

How to create a filter macro in Visual Basic?

Here are the steps to create a filter macro with the macro recorder: Developer tab > Record Macro. Give the macro a name, choose where you want the code saved, and press OK. Apply one or more filters using the filter drop-down menus. Stop the recorder. Open the VB Editor (Developer tab > Visual Basic) to view the code.

What is the name of the filter equal macro in Excel?

One macro is called “Filter_Equal” (it allows select contiguous/noncontiguous one cell/multiple cell ranges of normal Excel table and filter them. It also allows selecting only contiguous one cell/multiple cell ranges of Pivot Table labels and filter them 2.

How to AutoFilter data in Excel VBA?

For this, follow the below steps: 1 Defining the subprocedure for VBA Filter. Code: Sub VBA_Filter2 () End Sub 2 Select the worksheet which has the data. Here again, the sheet is Sheet1. 3 Now we will use the AutoFilter command to apply the filter. 4 Compile the code by hitting F5 or the Run button and run it. Weitere Artikel…

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