How do I get back to the Valkyrie in bf4?

How do I get back to the Valkyrie in bf4?

Throw your boat against the front of the Valkyrie and pray that you clip through the entire ship and end up in the back where you’re supposed to.

How do you get back to the Valkyrie in Battlefield 4 Xbox 360?

Down the chopper, then gun it with boost to the rear of the valkyrie. It will start moving at this point so you have to hurry. Basically, you have to trigger the event of the plane sinking the other ship, then kill more boats to trigger the helicopter. Once heli is down, make a mad dash for the rear of the boat.

How do you board the Valkyrie?

Before you can board the ship you have to take down a lone Attack Helicopter. Once it’s down drive the boat into the Valkyrie and prepare for the next part of the mission. The Valkyrie has been boarded by Chinese soldiers. Don’t run all the way up the stairs in front of you but instead use them as cover.

What happens at the end of Battlefield 4?

Suez is the final mission in the Battlefield 4 Campaign. It involves saving the Valkyrie and destroying Chang’s warship.

How do I save my game in Battlefield 4?

1 Answer. The progress mechanism of BF4 is depending on savepoints. The player can not induce saving the progress at any time. You can think of it what you want, but Dice does not give you the liberty to save after every corner.

Does Battlefield 4 have campaign?

Setting and characters. Battlefield 4’s single-player Campaign takes place during the fictional “War of 2020”, six years after the events of its predecessor.

How do you ” get back to the Valkyrie “?

Kill next 2 waves of boats, but kinda stay put, dont get too close to valkyrie. Then a plane will sink the big boat next to the valkyrie. Another 2 waves of boats. Then a chopper appears. Down the chopper, then gun it with boost to the rear of the valkyrie. It will start moving at this point so you have to hurry.

Do you have to catch the Valkyrie in BF4?

Here’s what you have to do, don’t chase the valkyrie at all. You’ll never catch it. It’s not necessarily a glitch, but then again it is. There is something you have to accomplish, but you won’t do it if you chase the valkyrie.

How to return to Valkyrie in South China Sea?

Jump down into water, swim up to the boat and get into it. You now need to return to Valkyrie. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, because you will be constantly under attack from the enemy boats. Steer towards Valkyrie and destroy the attackers along your way.

Do you approach Valkyrie from an angle or perpendicular?

DO NOT APPROACH IT FROM AN ANGLE OR PERPENDICULAR! (valkyrie would just take off and you never catch it.) As you catch up to the medium size ship which is following Valkyrie. There will be more enemies boats coming towards you.

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