How do I run a sqlplus command in Unix?

How do I run a sqlplus command in Unix?

SQL*Plus Command-line Quick Start for UNIX

  1. Open a UNIX terminal.
  2. At the command-line prompt, enter the SQL*Plus command in the form: $> sqlplus.
  3. When prompted, enter your Oracle9i username and password.
  4. SQL*Plus starts and connects to the default database.

How do I run a SQL query in Unix shell script?

To run a SQL script using SQL*Plus, place the SQL along with any SQL*Plus commands in a file and save it on your operating system. For example, save the following script in a file called “C:\emp. sql”. CONNECT scott/tiger SPOOL C:\emp.

What is sqlplus command in Unix?

Sqlplus is an Oracle command line utility which is used to execute SQL and PL/SQL commands. Connecting to sqlplus from UNIX box to retrieve data is one of the very common tasks and hence sqlplus becomes an important tool in shell scripting.

How do I connect to a sqlplus shell?

Do the following steps to start SQL*Plus and connect to the default database:

  1. Open a UNIX terminal.
  2. At the command-line prompt, enter the SQL*Plus command in the form: $> sqlplus.
  3. When prompted, enter your Oracle9i username and password.
  4. SQL*Plus starts and connects to the default database.

How do I use Sqlplus?

  1. SQL*Plus is a command-line tool that’s installed with the Oracle Database.
  2. To start SQL*Plus, select the Run command from the Start menu, enter “sqlplus”, and select the OK button.
  3. To connect to a database, enter the username and password.
  4. To run a SQL statement, type it, type a semicolon, and press the Enter key.

How do I use sqlplus?

Starting SQL*Plus Command-line

  1. Open a UNIX or a Windows terminal and enter the SQL*Plus command: sqlplus.
  2. When prompted, enter your Oracle Database username and password.
  3. Alternatively, enter the SQL*Plus command in the form: sqlplus username/password.
  4. SQL*Plus starts and connects to the default database.

How do I get sqlplus on Linux?

Configuring SQL*Plus Instant Client on Linux (from RPMs)

  1. Add the name of the directory containing the Instant Client libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
  2. Make sure the sqlplus executable installed from the RPM is the first found in your PATH.
  3. Set SQLPATH to the directory containing glogin.sql.

How do I run a shell script in Oracle?

Running a shell script from inside an Oracle database using DBMS_SCHEDULER

  1. create an OS user on the database server.
  2. create an OS group to allow both the new user and the oracle user to access to a common location.
  3. create a shell script owned by the OS user which writes to that common location.

Which is sqlplus command?

SQL*Plus has its own commands and environment, and it provides access to the Oracle Database. It enables you to enter and execute SQL, PL/SQL, SQL*Plus and operating system commands to perform the following: Format, perform calculations on, store, and print from query results.

How do I open sqlplus?

Starting SQL*Plus Windows GUI

  1. Click Start > Programs > Oracle-OraHomeName > Application Development > SQL Plus.
  2. Alternatively, open a Windows terminal and enter the SQL*Plus command: sqlplusw.
  3. The SQL*Plus Windows GUI opens and the Log On dialog is displayed.
  4. Click OK.

How to connect to sqlplus from Unix box?

Connecting to sqlplus from UNIX box to retrieve data is one of the very common tasks and hence sqlplus becomes an important tool in shell scripting. The data to be retrieved from Oracle could simply be a column value from a table or it could be set of data from more than one table.

How to use sqlplus with a shell script?

Some of the other answers here inspired me to write a script for automating the mixed sequential execution of SQL tasks using SQLPLUS along with shell commands for a project, a process that was previously manually done. Maybe this (highly sanitized) example will be useful to someone else:

How to use sqlplus as a DBA tool?

My #1 Oracle DBA tool is sqlplus – I use it to automate DBA tasks directly on the Oracle Server from shell scripts. I often put the output of sqlplus -s in a shell variable and use it for further processing. I also wrap the sqlplus script output in a shell function and pipe it’s output to egrep filtering.

How to use sqlplus to access Oracle Server?

If your only intention is to login as sysdba once and then execute some commands directly on the Oracle Server then you can skip the /nolog option and instead use / as sysdba. The / tells sqlplus to use OS level authentication and the as sysdba tells sqlplus that you want to gain access to the Oracle server with…

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