Who is Ezinma to Okonkwo?

Who is Ezinma to Okonkwo?

Ezinma, Okonkwo’s favorite daughter and the only child of Ekwefi, is bold in the way that she approaches—and even sometimes contradicts—her father. Okonkwo remarks to himself multiple times that he wishes she had been born a boy, since he considers her to have such a masculine spirit.

What is Okonkwo’s biggest fear?

Perhaps down in his heart Okonkwo was not a cruel man. But his whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness.

Who is Okonkwo’s best friend?

Obierika (Oh-bee-air-ee-kah) Okonkwo’s best friend, who often represents the voice of reason. He is the father of Maduka (son) and Ekueke (daughter).

Why does Okonkwo wish his daughter was a boy?

Okonkwo rarely demonstrates his affection, however, because he fears that doing so would make him look weak. Furthermore, he wishes that Ezinma were a boy because she would have been the perfect son. He develops an especially close relationship with Nwoye, Okonkwo’s oldest son, who looks up to him.

Is Okonkwo good or bad?

Okonkwo is a good father in that he is an extremely hard-working man that is able to financially provide for his family. He is a respected member of the community, and he embraces his leadership roles. Okonkwo also recognizes traits in his own father that he doesn’t like, and he works at not emulating those behaviors.

Is Mr Kiaga black?

Kiaga is an Igbo man, and he speaks Ibo, the main language in the novel. He is part of the group of missionaries that comes to Mbanta while Okonkwo is living there with his mother’s clansmen. Kiaga speaks the language, he serves as an interpreter for the white missionary who comes to Mbanta.

Was Ekwefi jealous of Ezinma?

Ekwefi was jealous of the attention that Okonkwo paid to their daughter, Ezinma. Ekwefi had borne ten children, but nine of them had died in infancy. An ogbanje was a wicked child who, when it died, re-entered its mother’s womb to be born again.

Why did Ezinma never take a husband in Mbanta?

Ezinma has had many offers of marriage, but has refused them all because Okonkwo said he wants her, and all of his other daughters, to marry a man in Umuofia.

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