Are there any commercials that are really funny?

Are there any commercials that are really funny?

And while most of the time commercials are annoying—or, at the very best, provide us just the right amount of time to grab a snack—some of them are downright genius. If every commercial were as funny as the 30 on this list, people would be looking forward to watching them, rather than skipping past them on their DVR.

What was the name of the car commercial that said it was okay to drive through the wall?

According to the commercial, quite a lot—a fire, knocking over all the shelves, and driving through the wall are all okay as long as you don’t raise your voice.

What makes the Kmart pants commercial so funny?

You’d never think an ad would be able to get so many laughs out of a single play on words, but Kmart nails it in this commercial about customers who are all very excited about shipping their pants. The humor in this commercial stems mostly from watching Betty White get tackled on a football field, which is equal parts funny and nerve-wracking.

Which is the funniest Australian beer commercial?

This ad for Australian beer Carlton Drought does a humorous take on a classic chase scene by removing the cars entirely to prevent drunk driving.

What was the humor in the Snickers commercial?

The humor in this commercial stems mostly from watching Betty White get tackled on a football field, which is equal parts funny and nerve-wracking. She also manages to chuck out a good insult before eating a Snickers and turning into the man she was all along.

Which is the best SportsCenter commercial of all time?

SportsCenter has released a slew of hilarious commercials over the years, but this one parodying a mistaken draft choice—they bring up a rookie broadcaster too young—deserves top marks for showing what happens when you promote green talent too quickly.

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