How do I show posts from a specific category on the front page?

How do I show posts from a specific category on the front page?

This tip describes how to show the posts from a specific category on the Home page.

  1. Create new Page.
  2. Go to the WP Admin Panel >> Settings >> Reading and set this page as front page:
  3. Now you should make so that Home page show the posts from the specific category.

How do I show single category in WordPress?

Now, if you want to display all your posts from a specific category on a separate page, WordPress already takes care of this for you. To find the category page, you simply need to go to Posts » Categories » View page and click on the ‘View’ link below a category.

How do I exclude categories from WordPress homepage?

Method 1: Exclude a Category from WordPress Using Plugin Upon activation, you’ll need to go to Settings » Category Excluder page. It will display all the categories that are available on your WordPress blog. From here, you can simply check one or multiple categories under the ‘Exclude from front page’ column.

How do I show categories on my homepage?

First, install and activate the Front Page Category plugin. Next, visit the Customizer (Appearance > Customize). You’ll see a new section named Front Page Categories. Open this section, and you’ll find a checkbox available for every one of your categories.

How do I exclude categories from a blog page?

To exclude multiple categories from showing up in the WordPress blog page, simply add all of the categories ID in the same line from the code above (line 3) separated by a space as per the example below. $query->set(‘cat’, ‘-124 -125 -126’); The example code above would exclude the categories with ID 124, 125 and 126.

What is exclude in WordPress?

With this plugin you can exclude any page, post or whatever from the WordPress search results by checking off the corresponding checkbox on post/page edit page. On the plugin settings page you can also see the list of all the items that are hidden from search.

How do I show subcategories on a category page in WordPress?

$this_category = wp_list_categories(‘orderby=id&depth=1&show_count=0&title_li=&use_desc_for_title=1&child_of=’. $this_category->cat_ID.

How do I show all product categories in a single page WooCommerce?

How do I show all products in WooCommerce? Go to WooCommerce → Settings, select the Products tab, and then choose the Display option. For each of the Shop Page Display and Default Category Display options, select Show products. Save your changes.

How do I get current category?

Get Current Category ID $category = get_queried_object(); echo $category->term_id; Just place that code in any template file where a category has been queried, such as category archive pages, and you will be able to get the category id no problem.

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