How do you calculate coefficient of discharge orifice?

How do you calculate coefficient of discharge orifice?

The discharge coefficient of an orifice or nozzle is defined as the ratio of the actual to theoretical flow rate:

  1. Cd=Measured Flow RateTheoretical Flow Rate (1)
  2. η=σΔp12ρ¯V2 (6)
  3. ξ=σΔp¯Δp (7)

What is the formula for discharge coefficient?

In Equation (14.18) the discharge coefficient C d = ( 2 / 3 ) ( 2 g / 3 ) = 1.705 in metric units and, in Equation (14.19), C ′ d = ( 2 / 3 ) 2 / 3 = 0.544 in non-dimensional units. If the flow passes through critical depth over a weir crest then it might appear that Cd would always take that value.

How do you calculate the flow rate of an orifice plate?

Then we have to calculate the flow range of the orifice plate….The plate thickness at the orifice edge should not be exceeded by any of the following parameters:

  1. 1 – D/50 where, D = The pipe inside diameter.
  2. 2 – d/8 where, d = orifice bore diameter.
  3. 3 – (D-d)/8.

How do I know my actual discharge?

KV Actual discharge = Actual area at B × Actual velocity at B = Cc × Cu A 2gH( ) we see that the relationship between the coefficients is Cd = Cc × Cu To determine the coefficient of discharge measure the actual discharged volume from the orifice in a given time and compare with the theoretical discharge.

What is difference between actual and theoretical discharge?

The difference between the actual discharge and theoretical discharge is called a negative slip. When the theoretical discharge is less than actual discharge is known as a negative slip.

How do you calculate the discharge coefficient?

The following equation can be used to find the discharge coefficient: Cv = ((39.693 * d^4) / ( H / (V^2 / 2g)))^0.5. You can plug in the pressure head along with the same flow and corresponding velocity (using Q=VA) to derive the discharge coefficient:

What is the importance of coefficient of discharge?

The discharge coefficient is a dimensionless number used to characterise the flow and pressure loss behaviour of nozzles and orifices in fluid systems. Orifices and nozzles are typically used to deliberately reduce pressure, restrict flow or to measure flow rate.

What is the coefficient of discharge?

In a nozzle or other constriction, the discharge coefficient (also known as coefficient of discharge) is the ratio of the actual discharge to the theoretical discharge, i.e., the ratio of the mass flow rate at the discharge end of the nozzle to that of an ideal nozzle which expands an identical working fluid from the same initial conditions to the

How do you calculate orifice?

Divide the flow of the liquid by the velocity of the liquid to determine the area of the orifice in square feet. In the above example, you would divide 8 by 2. The total area of the orifice would be 4 square feet.

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