How do you write supporting details?

How do you write supporting details?

Use a three-step process to identify supporting details.

  1. Step 1: Identify the topic.
  2. Step 2: Identify what the author is saying about the topic.
  3. Step 3: Identify details that support or explain the main idea.
  4. Step 1: Identify the topic.
  5. Step 2: Identify what the author is saying about the topic.

What is an example of supporting details?

Supporting detail is additional information that explains, defines or proves the main idea. An example of a supporting detail in a story is a description of the character’s clothing. An example of supporting detail in a newspaper article are sentences that answer the questions who, what, where, when, why and how.

What are 2 supporting details?

There are two kinds of supporting details-major and minor. The main idea and its major supporting details form the basic framework of paragraphs. The major details are the primary points that support the main idea. Paragraphs often contain minor details as well.

What can supporting details not do?

Supporting details aren’t just meant to give more information about a situation — they’re also meant, literally, to support your point, meaning that without them, you may not succeed in making your argument successfully.

What are supporting reasons?

What are Reasons & Supporting Details?

  • Reasons: A main idea that supports your opinion.
  • Supporting Details: Additional statements, fact, or examples that are used to support the reason or main idea.

What are the supporting ideas?

The supporting ideas are the more focused arguments that bolster the main ideas. They have a clear and direct connection with the main ideas. They are backed-up by evidence or illustrated by examples. In general, the supporting ideas that bolster the same main idea are grouped into one paragraph.

What are the supporting details sentences?

Supporting sentences give a reader details to understand a main idea, or evidence to show why a claim is true or correct. You will find supporting sentences in the middle of a paragraph – after the topic sentence, and before a concluding sentence or transition.

What are the supporting points?

The topic is what the paragraph or essay is about, the supporting points are the most important things you have to say about your topic. You will have generated the supporting points in your pre-writing activities. The main points should be important, distinct, and relevant.

Are there evidence to support the main idea?

The topic can be stated in 1-2 words. MAIN IDEA: Although the topic is a couple of words, the main idea is always a sentence. EVIDENCE: Evidence of the main idea includes the words, phrases, and sentences within the original text that repeat or reiterate the sentiment of the main-idea sentence.

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