How many days does it take to drive from Chicago to LA?

How many days does it take to drive from Chicago to LA?

While it’s true that the journey from Chicago to LA can be completed in 4 days if you’re prepared to spend all day on the Interstates, this is NOT the same as driving Route 66.

How many miles are between Chicago and Los Angeles?

Distance conversions

Distance type Miles Kilometers
Straight line distance 1,742.32 mi 2,803.99 km
Driving distance 2,016 mi 3,244.16 km

Is LA close to Chicago?

The shortest distance (air line) between Chicago and Los-Angeles is 1,741.01 mi (2,801.88 km). The shortest route between Chicago and Los-Angeles is 2,016.29 mi (3,244.90 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 35h 17min.

What is halfway between LA Chicago?

The best city between Los Angeles, CA and Chicago, IL to meet is Denver, Colorado which is about 9 miles from the exact midpoint. The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Applewood, Colorado. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 80215.

Can you still drive Route 66 from Chicago to LA?

Can All of Route 66 be Driven? No, you can’t drive the “entire” original Route 66, but you can still drive the sections that have been preserved -which are quite a few! Route 66 was decertified on June 27, 1985 and no longer exists as a U.S. Highway.

How long does it take to drive Route 66 from Chicago to LA?

about 40 hours
The drive takes about 40 hours. Route 66 rolls through small towns (with plenty of stop lights) along the way, so you won’t be driving as fast as you would on an interstate highway.

How much hours is Chicago to California?

30 hours, 57 minutes.

What is the halfway point between California and Illinois?

The city at the geographic halfway point from California to Illinois is Tomah, Colorado.

What state is in between Chicago and California?

The city at the geographic halfway point from Chicago, IL to California is Roggen, Colorado.

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