How much Delta-V do you need for Duna orbit?
An ascent to Low Duna Orbit from the surface typically requires around 1500 to 2000 m/s in Delta-V to reach a 42 km altitude traveling at roughly 950 m/s.
What is the lowest Minmus orbit?
Minmus is the smallest moon of Kerbin. From the surface of Kerbin or the Mun, it is a cyan speck one or two pixels wide which appears to slightly oscillate vertically….Reference Frames.
Time warp | Minimum Altitude |
10× | 3 000 m |
50× | 6 000 m |
100× | 12 000 m |
1 000× | 24 000 m |
What is the lowest orbit in KSP?
Apoapsis and periapsis The periapsis is the lowest point of the orbit and is helpful to determine if the orbit is high enough to avoid collisions with the surface or interaction with an atmosphere. The apoapsis is on the other side of the orbit and the furthest point away from the orbited celestial body.
Is there life on Duna?
As mentioned earlier, Duna is the most Kerbin-like world in its abilities to sustain life (besides tropical Laythe, if installed).
What is the easiest planet to get to in KSP?
Duna is often the easiest planet to achieve encounters because of a low orbital inclination.
How long is a day on Minmus?
Orbital Characteristics | |
Semi-Major Axis | 47 000 000 m (1) |
Sidereal Rotation Period | 40 400.000 s |
1 d 5 h 13 m 20 s (Kerbin time) 11 h 13 m 20 s (Earth time) | |
Sidereal Rotational Velocity | 9.3315 m/s |
Can you orbit Gilly?
In fact, it’s possible to deploy a Kerbal from a spacecraft in orbit around Gilly, send him down to the surface, and land him without using any other fuel source. The Kerbal can even return to orbit, rendezvous with the spacecraft, and still have up to 3.5 units of EVA fuel left.
How high is space KSP?
4044 m
Orbital Characteristics | |
Semi-Major Axis | 13 599 840 256 m (1) |
Synchronous Orbit | 2 868.75 km |
Sphere of Influence | 84 159 286 m |
Highest elevation | 4044 m |
Does Duna moon?
Duna is the fourth planet from Kerbol and the fourth-largest planet. It is the Mars analog for Kerbal Space Program. It has one tidally-locked and large natural satellite, the moon Ike.
How do you land on Duna?
If you want to do a land-and-return vehicle, one handy way to practice is to do something like this:
- save your game.
- launch just the “lander / ascent” part of your duna ship to the launchpad.
- use the “Set Orbit” function on the debug cheat menu to put it directly into orbit of Duna.
How big is Ike in relation to Duna?
Due to Ike’s size and proximity, Ike and Duna are almost tidally locked to each other. Making Ike look like its slinging left and right when Duna rotates. With proper aerobraking, a round trip from Kerbin to Duna’s orbit and back requires roughly 1700 m/s of delta-v, less than a round trip to any other planet.
How long does it take to get to Duna orbit?
Jet engines don’t work for want of oxygen, but other propulsion methods work well. Performing a horizontal landing with a plane is also possible. An ascent to low Duna orbit from the surface typically requires around 1400 m/s in Δv to reach a 55 km altitude traveling at roughly 900 m/s.
How tall is the atmosphere of Duna space station?
There are several maria (large regions of dark soil) at exactly 0 meters altitude. Their flatness and low altitude which allow for more aerobraking make them easy but boring landing locations. Duna’s surface contains anomolous features . Duna’s atmosphere begins at 50,000 m.
How big is Duna from the Kerbal Space Program?
Info edit | edit source Density 32 897.696 kg/m 3 Surface Gravity 2.94 m/s 2 Escape Velocity 1 372.41 m/s Sidereal Rotation Period 65 517.859 s