How much does a Jagdterrier cost?
The Jagdterrier’s price varies between $300 and $500. Before buying or adopting one of these little guys, ask the breeder about its parents’ health statuses. The annual medical (vaccines, external and internal parasite prevention, vet check-ups and insurance) and non-medical cost for this breed are around $420-$780.
Are Jagdterriers good pets?
The Jagdterrier temperament makes this breed a fun and lively pet. The Jagdterrier is a great choice for anyone who is looking for an active and entertaining companion in a small package. Do not be fooled by their size! These small terriers still need a lot of exercise and attention.
How big is a Jagdterrier?
Male: 20 – 22 lbs
Female: 17 – 19 lbs
What breeds make a Jagdterrier?
They began by breeding the Old English Fox Terrier with the Black and Tan Hunting Terrier. Walter Zangenberg was gifted four hunting dogs that descended from Fox Terriers by Lutz Hagenberg. The Jagdterriers of today can all be traced back to these four dogs, making black and tan the primary color of the Jagdterrier.
Are Jagdterrier aggressive?
While the Jagdterrier makes a fantastic, loyal, loving companion. They need an outlet for their high energy and gregarious personality. Some Jagdterriers are extremely dog aggressive and will fight if provoked in the slightest manner.
Are Jagdterriers easy to train?
Jagdterriers are an intelligent breed that were bred to be trainable for many different tasks. Without regular guidance through obedience training, they may channel their high energy into destructive avenues – so make sure to start training early!
What is the lifespan of a Jagdterrier?
The average lifespan for the Jagdterrier breed is only 10 to 12 years which is fairly short for a breed of this size.
Are Jagd terriers good with kids?
Temperament/Behavior Because the Jagdterrier is so tenacious, this breed sometimes doesn’t get along with other dogs and they are notorious for having a high prey drive. This being the case, the Jagdterrier may not be the ideal family pet, though these dogs do tend to get along well with children.
Are Jagdterriers aggressive?