What does it mean to receive the word?

What does it mean to receive the word?

receive word (from someone or something) To get or be given a message or communication (from someone or something). I received word from my brother that his flight will be delayed. He’s received word from a higher authority to begin the evacuation.

What is the origin of the word receive?

Origin of the word The original form of receive dates back to the Old North French word ‘receivre’ or the Old French ‘recoivre’ used around 1300 to mean ‘take hold of’ or ‘accept’. The French version of the word is derived from the Latin ‘recipere’ which means to ‘take back’ or ‘to recover’.

What is the correct word receive?

‘Receive’ is a verb that typically means ‘get’, ‘be given’, or ‘be the recipient of’ something. Some people misspell this word with an ‘-ie-‘ instead of an ‘-ei-‘. But ‘recieve’ is always an error, so make sure not to use this spelling in your writing!

Is receive singular or plural?

The plural form of receive is receives.

How do you get the word of God?

8 Tips To Go Deeper Into God’s Word

  1. Pray. Prayer is so important.
  2. Don’t toss out any books of the bible. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says,
  3. Park yourself in one book.
  4. Search out the context.
  5. Hold off on using a commentary until the end.
  6. Use different translations.
  7. Define words.
  8. Be patient with yourself.

What kind of verb is recieve?

received Add to list Share. Received is an adjective that refers to something that is largely accepted as true or good. It’s also the past participle of the verb receive.

What is the noun for the word receive?

The noun form of receive is receipt. –

Which is correct recieve or receive?

“Receive” is a verb that typically means “get,” “be given,” or “be the recipient of” something. Some people misspell this word with an “-ie-” instead of an “-ei-.” But “recieve” is always an error, so make sure not to use this spelling in your writing!

How do you write the word weird?

“Weird” is an adjective that means “uncanny or strange.” People often misspell it as “wierd,” perhaps because they want to apply the “i before e” spelling rule. To avoid making this mistake, then, keep in mind that this word has a “weird” spelling!

Is receive present tense?

She received a camera as a twenty-fifth birthday present….receive ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

present tense
I/you/we/they receive
he/she/it receives
present participle receiving
past tense received

How do we show we love God?

Doing Random-Acts-of-Kindness, Do good things. Jesus said, “If you love me you will keep my commandments.” Honor God’s name. Do this by helping people to believe in God and by sending messages of hope to others to encourage them.

What is the definition for the word receiving?

1. a. To take or acquire (something given or offered); get or be given: receive a present. b. To be the person who gets (something sent or transmitted): receive an email. c. Sports To catch or get possession of (a pass or a kicked ball, for example).

What word means to receive?

The Greek word that is translated as “receive” in this verse is LAMBANO. It is a very common word that simply means “take,” “grasp,” “seize,” “receive” as well as ‘to take to oneself” something or someone. The opposite of receiving something is to reject it – not take it.

What is a synonym for receive?

Alternate Synonyms for “receive”: have; get; acquire get; find; obtain; incur; change pick up; perceive; comprehend experience; undergo take in; invite accept welcome; greet; recognize; recognise convert meet; encounter; have; experience celebrate; fete partake; touch see; consider; reckon; view; regard

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