What famous person has a birthday on August 2?

What famous person has a birthday on August 2?

Today’s famous birthdays list for August 2, 2020 includes celebrities Mary-Louise Parker, Kevin Smith. Birthday wishes go out to Mary-Louise Parker, Kevin Smith and all the other celebrities with birthdays today.

Who’s born on August 2nd?

Celebs born on August 2nd: Kevin Smith, Sam Worthington, and Charli XCX | Entertainment | madison.com.

Who was born on 14 August?

14. Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including David Crosby, Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Halle Berry, Mila Kunis, Steve Martin, Tim Tebow and more.

What is August 2nd famous for?

1776 – The signing of the United States Declaration of Independence took place. 1790 – The first United States Census is conducted. 1798 – French Revolutionary Wars: The Battle of the Nile concludes in a British victory. 1830 – Charles X of France abdicates the throne in favor of his grandson Henri.

How old is Darius Dobre now?

About 26 years (1995)
Darius Dobre-Mofid/Age

What is the Speciality of 14th August?

On 14 August 1947, Pakistan came into existence and was declared a sovereign nation, formally ending the rule of British Empire. The event was followed by the partition of India, which has come to be known as one of the most difficult periods in Indian history.

What famous people died on August 14?


  • 582 – Tiberius II Constantine, Byzantine emperor.
  • 1040 – Duncan I of Scotland.
  • 1167 – Rainald of Dassel, Italian archbishop.
  • 1433 – John I of Portugal (b. 1357)
  • 1464 – Pope Pius II (b. 1405)
  • 1573 – Saitō Tatsuoki, Japanese daimyō (b. 1548)

Is August 2nd a special day?

Assistance Dog Day – August 2, 2021 (Monday of International Assistance Dog Week) Dinosaurs Day. National CAD Day. National Coloring Book Day.

Who is Ayden mekus dating 2021?

Ayden Mekus and Claire Rocksmith are the latest YouTube couple rumored to be in a relationship. Claire’s rise as a social media star has been incredible to watch. She launched her YouTube channel out of the blue in early April 2020, and a year later, she has close to 650K followers.

How old is jentzen Ramirez?

15 years (2006)
Jentzen Ramirez/Age

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