What is goal-free evaluation model?

What is goal-free evaluation model?

Goal-free evaluation (GFE) is an evaluation model in which the evaluator is deliberately. kept from the stated (or implied) goals and objectives of the program; this is accomplished. by appointing a screener to keep goal-related information from the goal-free evaluator.

Why Scriven model is called Goal-free evaluation model?

In the goal-free evaluation model developed by Michael Scriven (1991), the evaluation looks at a program’s actual effect on identified needs. The evaluator has no preconceived notions regarding the outcome of the program—that is, goals. …

What is a goal-based evaluation?

Definition of a Goal-Based Evaluation (GBE): ● A GBE is “any type of evaluation based on. and knowledge of—and referenced to—the goals and objectives of the program, person, or product, (Scriven, 1991, p. 178).”

What is goal-based evaluation in education?

an evaluation that determines the extent to which a program has achieved its goals. This approach relies heavily on stated program goals and objectives, and as such it might overlook other aspects of the program. See also quantitative evaluation. …

What are the curriculum evaluation models?

Stake’s model, also known as the Countenance model, which looks for congruence between outcomes and stated objectives. Cronbach’s model, which focuses primarily on assessment as a means of deciding if objectives are being met. CIPP model, which looks at context, input, process, and product.

Who gave the goal free curriculum evaluation?

Development. Michael Scriven first introduced the concept of GFE in the 1970s.

Which is the best curriculum evaluation model?

Some of the models that have been developed for curriculum evaluation include: The Tyler model, which focuses on the learner and looks at how well objectives are supported by activities and experiences. The Taba model, which believes that true curriculum comes from the teacher and should focus on inductive reasoning.

What are the three curriculum models?

There are three models of curriculum design: subject-centered, learner-centered, and problem-centered design.

How does the goal free evaluation model work?

Goal-Free Model In the goal-free evaluation model developed by Michael Scriven (1991), the evaluation looks at a program’s actual effect on identified needs. In other words, program goals are not the criteria on which the evaluation is based.

When do you use goal based curriculum evaluation?

This type of analysis would be suited well for accountability purposes, to determine quantitatively if a particular implemented curriculum has achieved its goals. Goal based evaluation can be used to develop a program by taking action on the results of the evaluation data to modify or maintain a curriculum.

Who is the creator of the goal free model?

Goal Free Evaluation Model Goal free evaluation was developed by Michael Scriven in 1972. 6.

Which is the best model for Curriculum Evaluation?

Evaluation specialists have proposed an array of models: 3.0 Model of curriculum evaluation Tyler’s Objectives-Centered Model One of the earliest curriculum evaluation models, which continue to influence many assessment projects, was that proposed by Ralph Tyler (1950) in his monograph Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction.

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