What is the definition of comfortless?

What is the definition of comfortless?

Adj. 1. comfortless – without comfort; “a comfortless room” uncomfortable – providing or experiencing physical discomfort; “an uncomfortable chair”; “an uncomfortable day in the hot sun”

What word means the opposite of Embrace?

Antonyms for embrace. exclude, leave (out), miss out.

What word means the opposite of extension?

Opposite of the action or process of enlarging or extending something. abbreviation. abridgementUK. abridgmentUS.

What is an antonym for curiously?

curious. Antonyms: indifferent, uninquiring, incurious, uninterested, trite, common, superficial. Synonyms: inquiring, inquisitive, scrutinizing, prying, meddling, singular, searching, interrogative, peeping, peering, rare, unique, odd, recondite.

Is comfortableness a word?

com·fort·a·ble. adj. 1. Providing physical comfort: a comfortable chair.

What is the verb of comfort?

transitive verb. 1 : to give strength and hope to : cheer comforted by the knowledge that the program will be fully funded. 2 : to ease the grief or trouble of : console The mother comforted her crying child. The bereaved families of the victims were comforted by friends. comfort.

Is embracement a word?

A ready taking up of something: adoption, espousal.

What is a synonym of intuitively?

instinctive, intuitional, instinctual. innate, inborn, inherent, untaught, unlearned, natural, congenital, inbuilt, built-in, ingrown. automatic, unconscious, subconscious, involuntary, spontaneous, impulsive, unthinking.

What is the synonym of pulled?

In this page you can discover 111 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pull, like: drag, yank, haul, draw, jerk, rend, tend, tug, pluck, like and tow.

What is a curious person called?

Synonyms: inquisitive, questioning, speculative, wondering. showing curiosity. nosey, nosy, prying, snoopy. offensively curious or inquisitive.

What is the synonyms for curiously?

synonyms for curiously

  • awfully.
  • extraordinarily.
  • remarkably.
  • so.
  • strangely.
  • terribly.
  • uncommonly.
  • very.

Which is the best synonym for the word comfortless?

Aristide went back to his comfortless lodgings aflame with bewilderment, indignation and despair. The craft is rude and comfortless in the extreme and so constructed as to be nearly unsinkable if kept off the rocks. Do you remember the comfortless morrow that brought the first contact with your boy associates?

What does Thomas De Quincey mean by the word comfortless?

The day grew misty and comfortless, and towards evening the wind rose to a storm. The train started, and the shivering passengers resigned themselves to a comfortless ride. Yet even this feature was not the most comfortless in the case. THE POSTHUMOUS WORKS OF THOMAS DE QUINCEY, VOL. II (2 VOLS) THOMAS DE QUINCEY

Is there such a thing as a comfortless craft?

The craft is rude and comfortless in the extreme and so constructed as to be nearly unsinkable if kept off the rocks. Do you remember the comfortless morrow that brought the first contact with your boy associates?

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