What is wing to fuselage ratio?
The ratio of the fuselage length to the chord of the wing should be between 4:1 and 6:1. The ratio of the distance from the nose of the plane to the front of the wing to the chord of the wing should be between 1:1 and 3:2.
How do you determine the wingspan of an RC plane?
Step 5: Decide on a Wingspan You can find the aspect ratio of the wing by taking the wing chord divided by the wing span. High aspect ratio wings (having a lower number – yes, its confusing) are generally used for gliders and trainer airplanes, while Lower aspect ratio wings will be used for more aerobatic models.
How is wing attached to fuselage?
The wings are attached to the main fuselage body using a lug. The bending moment and shear loads from wing to the fuselage structure is transferred through the lug structure. The attachment is done by series of pinned lug between wing side of wing box and fuselage.
What is a good wing loading for RC planes?
This is calculated by taking the weight of the plane and dividing by the wing area. A good rule of thumb is for a 40 size trainer one would expect a wing loading of about 16oz/sq ft and will be a docile flier.
Why are glider wings long and thin?
This is because drag created during the production of lift (known as induced drag) can account for a significant portion of the total drag on a glider. Glider wings are very long and thin, which makes them efficient. They produce less drag for the amount of lift they generate.
What is glide ratio?
Glide Ratio = Horizontal Distance divided by the Change in Altitude. Another way to think of this is to ask, how far did the glider travel forward for every foot it dropped in altitude? For example: You released your Shoebox Glider from atop a 10-foot high ladder.
What is a high wing loading?
With a higher wing loading, a given lift-to-drag ratio is achieved at a higher airspeed than with a lower wing loading, and this allows a faster average speed across country. The ballast can be ejected overboard when conditions weaken or prior to landing.
What do you need to build a RC plane?
balsa wood combines the two elements necessary to a successful flight: strength and lightness.
What is the best shape for a plane fuselage?
Pressurized aircraft generally have cylindrical fuselage cross-sections as this is the most efficient shape to resist the internal pressure. Once you are clear which factors will drive the fuselage design you can start to sketch a preliminary outline of your fuselage.
What are the parts of a RC plane?
RC Airplane Parts and Controls Monoplanes. High wing: The wing is above the fuselage. Bi-Planes. The plane has two wings, usually one over and one under the fuselage. Best Wing Placement. While the increased maneuverability and response to controls in low wing and mid-wing models may sound good, they can be harder to control for inexperienced RC pilots.
What does a fuselage do to help an airplane fly?
The fuselage or body of the airplane, holds all the pieces together. The pilots sit in the cockpit at the front of the fuselage. Passengers and cargo are carried in the rear of the fuselage. Some aircraft carry fuel in the fuselage; others carry the fuel in the wings.