Where is the right basilic vein?

Where is the right basilic vein?

The basilic vein usually lies in the deep subcutaneous tissue at the antecubital crease and pierces the brachial fascia in the distal third of the upper arm; however, occasionally it lies beneath the fascia at the antecubital crease.

Is basilic vein thrombosis a DVT?

DVT-UE must be distinguished from thrombosis of the superficial veins, i.e., the cephalic and basilic veins (1). Idiopathic DVT-UE and cases due to anatomical variants are known as primary DVT-UE.

Why is the basilic vein used for venipuncture?

Basilic vein which is located Third choice for venipuncture In many patients this vein may not be well Syringe draw should be considered as it gives the on the under side of the in the antecubital area. anchored and will roll, making it difficult to phlebotomist more control over a rolling vein. arm.

Does the basilic vein have valves?

The basilic vein runs down the ulnar side of the arm, and also helps in draining the dorsal venous network of the hand. The veins of this system contain valves within their lumen, which prevent backflow. They are more abundant in the veins of the deep system, although they do exist in superficial veins.

Can you see the basilic vein?

The basilic vein runs from the palm of the hand and up your arm on the side of the ulna (a long bone that extends from your elbow to your finger) and the pinky finger. The basilic vein is considered superficial because it’s near the surface of your skin. It’s often visible in the inner arm.

Is basilic vein deep?

The basilic vein is a common access site for performing digital subtraction venography. Deep veins — The deep veins of the upper extremity include the paired ulnar, radial, and interosseous veins in the forearm; paired brachial veins of the upper arm; and axillary vein.

What is the largest vein in the arm?

Upper limb

  • cephalic vein – glides along the biceps: the “signature vein” of bodybuilders.
  • median cubital vein – often used to draw blood (venipuncture).
  • basilic vein – usually the largest vein in the arm: often used for dialysis access.

When should you not perform venipuncture?

Certain areas are to be avoided when choosing a site:

  1. Extensive scars from burns and surgery – it is difficult to puncture the scar tissue and obtain a specimen.
  2. The upper extremity on the side of a previous mastectomy – test results may be affected because of lymphedema.
  3. Hematoma – may cause erroneous test results.

Which is the most preferred vein in venipuncture?

The median cubital vein is the larger and more stable vein and is preferred for venipuncture. The cephalic and basilic veins have a greater tendency to roll and veinpuncture may be more painful from these sites.


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