How do Scottish drummers twirl their sticks?

How do Scottish drummers twirl their sticks?

Tenor drummers using swings are often referred to as ‘flourishing tenors. ‘ Swings are done by tying a string to the end of the drum stick, and the fingers of the players. Then the player can “drop” the drumstick without losing it, and swing it around in a controlled manner.

What is a Scottish drum called?


Percussion instrument
Hornbostel–Sachs classification 211.321 (Single-skin frame drums)
Developed Disputed – either mid-19th century or ancient
Related instruments

What is a tenor drum in marching band?

In a symphony orchestra’s percussion section, a tenor drum is a low-pitched drum, similar in size to a field snare, but without snares and played with soft mallets or hard sticks. It is larger in diameter than depth, and tonally is midway between the bass drum and unsnared side drum.

What are bass drum sticks called?

percussion mallet
A percussion mallet or beater is an object used to strike or beat a percussion instrument in order to produce its sound. The term beater is slightly more general. A mallet is normally held in the hand while a beater may be foot or mechanically operated, for example in a bass drum pedal.

What is the most popular musical instrument in Scotland?

The bagpipes are synonymous with Scotland and an important part of Scottish identity. They are often heard as solo pieces or as part of famous pipe bands.

What is the upside down cymbal called?

The name “China cymbal” comes from their shape, which is similar to the Chinese Bo. They are most frequently mounted upside down on cymbal stands, allowing for them to be more easily struck and for a better sound.

What does cymbal stand for?


Acronym Definition
CYMBAL Color, Year, Make, Body and License (vehicle descriptions)

What kind of instrument is the Scottish tenor drum?

The Scottish tenor drum is a musical instrument used within Scottish pipe bands. It is a double-headed membranophone that is held vertically with one head up, one head down, and played with soft mallets on the top head only.

What do tenor drummers do for a living?

Many flourishing tenor drummers create choreographed sequences within a line of drummers, creating different effects while using the same basic swings. Currently whether tenor drummers should or should not flourish, or how much they should flourish, is a large area of debate.

How does a tenor drummer swing the drumstick?

Then the player can “drop” the drumstick without losing it, and swing it around in a controlled manner. Many flourishing tenor drummers create choreographed sequences within a line of drummers, creating different effects while using the same basic swings.

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