How do you calculate IV fluids for adults?

How do you calculate IV fluids for adults?

Maintenance Fluid Rate is calculated based on weight.

  1. 4 mL / kg / hour for the first 10kg of body mass.
  2. 2 mL / kg / hour for the second 10kg of body mass (11kg – 20kg)
  3. 1 mL / kg / hour for any kilogram of body mass above 20kg (> 20kg)

How do you calculate pediatric fluid replacement?

  1. For infants 3.5 to 10 kg the daily fluid requirement is 100 mL/kg.
  2. For children 11-20 kg the daily fluid requirement is 1000 mL + 50 mL/kg for every kg over 10.
  3. For children >20 kg the daily fluid requirement is 1500 mL + 20 mL/kg for every kg over 20, up to a maximum of 2400 mL daily.

How do you fix fluid deficit?

The best treatment for fluid volume deficit is to address the electrolyte imbalance and water loss by using an oral rehydration solution. In severe cases, you may need nursing intervention and critical care support, including intravenous fluid therapy or a blood transfusion.

What is the 421 rule for IV fluids?

The 421 rule is used to calcuate the hourly infusion rate for maintenance fluids (generally just for pediatrics). 4 cc/hr for kg 1-10 .

What is the formula for maintenance fluid?

Formula Method. (100 ml for each of the first 10kg) + ( 50ml for each kg 11-20) + (20 ml for each additional kg) / 24hour. Example: Calculate the hourly maintenance fluid rate for a child who weighs 25kg. (100mL x 10kg) + (50mL x 10kg) + (20mL x 5kg) / 24hrs. (1000mL) + (500mL) + (100mL) = 1600mL / 24hrs = 66.7ml/hr.

How do you calculate maintenance IV fluids?

The rule for calculating maintenance fluids for a 24 hours period, is the 100/50/20 rule. IV administration of 100ml/kg for the first 10kg is given. Then 50ml/kg for the next 10kg and then 20ml/kg for every kg over 20. Once this has been figured, you divide the amount by 24 to get the hourly IV fluid flow rate.

How do you calculate fluid requirement?

The other common way to calculate daily fluid needs is to base the fluid need on caloric intake. 1 milliliter of fluid for every calorie ingested. Converted to the household measurement of ounces, your body needs .034 ounces for every calorie that you ingest.

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