How do you pronounce Come Stai?

How do you pronounce Come Stai?

Come stai? (koh-meh STAI?)

Is it Come Stai or Come sta?

Come va is translated loosely as “How’s it going”, while Come sta is more “how are you doing” (slightly more literally, “how do you stay”). Come va or come sta are the formal uses used when you don’t someone very well, for elders, people who are above you in society (bosses, etc).

How do you respond to Come Stai?

If you are asked “come stai?” or “come va?” and you are fine, then the best way to answer is “bene”. If you feel extremely good, you can also say “molto bene.”

Which is the correct translation of Buongiorno Come stai?

Translation of “Buongiorno. Come stai” in English. Buongiorno. good morning hello good day good afternoon Buongiorno. Come stai. how are you how you doing how you been how you’re what’s up. Other translations. Buongiorno.

When do you say Buon Pomeriggio in Italy?

Generally, in Italy you can start saying buonasera after lunchtime, when in English it would be really unusual to say good evening. As we’ve seen before, buon pomeriggio (good afternoon) is almost never used, so people tend to switch directly from buongiorno to buonasera.

When do you start saying buonasera in Italy?

In southern Italy people can start saying buonasera around 4-5 pm, while in northern Italy you can even hear it around 2pm! Generally, in Italy you can start saying buonasera after lunchtime, when in English it would be really unusual to say good evening.

Where does the phrase’come stai’come from?

One of the most common phrases is Come stai? where come means how and stai is the second person singular of the verb stare. The latter means to stay but in this case it takes on the same meaning as the English verb to be. The conjugation of the verb stare changes depending on the person you are addressing:

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