How does the dial gauge works during alignment?

How does the dial gauge works during alignment?

For shaft alignment, we typically use dial indicators with 0.250″ – 0.300” total travel. The plunger moves a needle clockwise when pushed in and counter clockwise when let out. The face can be rotated so that the needle points to zero.

How do you measure a coupling alignment?

The necessary tools used for checking the alignment of a flexible coupling are a straightedge and a taper gauge or a set of feeler gauges, or by use of dial indicators. A rough check for angular alignment is made by inserting the taper gauge or feelers between the coupling faces at 90 degree intervals (see Image 2).

How does a dial gauge work?

The tpical dial indicator consists of a plunger and two dials. As the plunger moves in and out, the dials rotate, indicating plunger travel within an accuracy of 0.001 in. The larger, or outer, dial face is divided into 0.001-in. graduations and the smaller one is divided into revolutions of the larger dial.

What are the two types of misalignment?

The main types of misalignment are angular, radial, and axial displacement. Factors that influence misalignment include thermal imbalances, wear, settlement and creep, and the influence of the last of these can, without correct maintenance, increase during the life of the coupling.

How to alignment your dial indicator with the plunger?

Dial Indicator Alignment Basics 1 Dial Indicator Alignment basic 1. The plunger is fully extended out of the case if no pressure is applied to it. 2 Quantifying the sag. 3 Measuring offset using dial indicators. 4 Measuring Angularity With Face Dial Indicators.

How big is a dial for shaft alignment?

For shaft alignment, we typi­cally use dial indicators with 0.250″ – 0.300” total travel. The plunger moves a needle clockwise when pushed in and counter clockwise when let out. The face can be rotated so that the needle points to zero.

What does the SAG on a dial indicator mean?

The dial indicator bar sag describes a bending of the hardware used to support a dial indicator or other part which spans the coupling. The bending action occurs as a result of gravity and cannot be totally eliminated in almost all cases of alignment.

What should I do if my dial indicator needle moves?

Retighten bolt and make sure the dial indicator needle does not move. Repeat this procedure for the remaining feet. The vertical move is the part of the alignment process that aligns the two shaft’s centerlines into their proper up and down position. Usually you will have to add or remove shims in this step.

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