How many bags of Portland cement do I need?

How many bags of Portland cement do I need?

# It takes approximately 5 Bags of Portland cement, 8 cubic ft of sand, and 20 cubic ft of gravel to make approximately 1 cubic yard (27 cubic feet) of concrete.

How much concrete will a 94 pound bag of Portland cement make?

One 94 lb. bag of Portland Cement makes 4.5 cubic feet of concrete. For thicknesses less than 2 inches and toppings, use: 1 part of Portland Cement with 3–4 parts of concrete sand or general purpose sand.

How many 20kg bags of ready mix concrete do I need?

one 20kg bag will cover an area of 1.1m2 to a depth of approximately 10mm. or 108 x 20kg bags equates to one cubic metre of mixed concrete. Concrete Mix comes 20kg plastic lined, multi-walled paper sacks, and small handy 10kg plastic bags.

How do I calculate how many bags of concrete I need?

For concrete, the formula for volume is as follows: length x width x thickness. To determine how many bags of concrete you will need, divide the total cubic yards needed by the yield. Use the following yields per each bag size: 40 pound bag yields .011 cubic yards.

How many bags of concrete is 2 yards?

If you’re using 50lb bags of concrete, you’ll need 72 bags to make a yard. If you’re using 60lb bags of concrete, you’ll need 60 bags to make a yard. If you’re using 80lb bags of concrete, you’ll need 45 bags to make a yard.

How much area does a 25kg bag of cement cover?

As a rule of thumb 1 of our 25kg bags will cover an area of 0.25m to a recommended depth of 50mm.

How much concrete does a 40 kg bag of cement make?

Using proportions suggested, one 40 kg (88 lb) bag of cement will produce about 3.5 ft³ (0.1 m³) of concrete mix approximately.

How much does 1 bag of concrete cover?

One 50-pound bag of Quikrete Fast Setting Concrete Mix yields about . 375 cubic feet. For example, if you need to cover 33.333 cubic feet, using 60-pound bags of concrete, divide 33.333 cubic feet by . 45 cubic feet to get 74.07 total bags of concrete.

Should you put plastic under concrete?

A concrete vapor barrier is any material that prevents moisture from entering a concrete slab. Vapor barriers are used because while fresh concrete is poured wet, it’s not supposed to stay that way. It needs to dry and then stay dry to avoid flooring problems. This is why a vapor barrier under concrete is essential.

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