How many weeks is Navy basic training?

How many weeks is Navy basic training?

Recruit training, or “boot camp,” will be approximately seven weeks long. The goal of this training is to transform you from a civilian into a Sailor with all of the skills necessary to perform in the fleet.

Is Navy boot camp 8 or 9 weeks?

Recruit Training or “boot camp” is approximately eight weeks long. The main goal of this week is to develop the teamwork and work ethic required to be successful in the next phase of training. It begins with an initial swim assessment, a fitness baseline test and also learning the Navy’s core values and ranking system.

What happens the last week of Navy boot camp?

Graduation takes place in the final week of boot camp. You’ll be in full dress uniform and ready to take on the next challenge in your Navy career. You will meet with your family for the first time since you’ve embarked on your journey in becoming a sailor.

How long do you get to be home after Navy boot camp?

10 days
After Navy A School, sailors traditionally are given 10 days of leave. After their 10 days of leave, they will check into their new unit at their first duty station.

How long is basic training in the Navy?

Basic Training Exhibits – Weeks 1-8. Recruit Training or “boot camp” is approximately eight weeks long. The goal is to transform a civilian into a sailor with all of the skills necessary to perform in the fleet.

What do Navy recruits learn in Week 4?

Week four consists of “hands-on” and classroom training. Recruits learn laws of armed conflict, money management, basic seamanship, shipboard communication, naval policies, and Navy ship and aircraft identification. Recruits begin to learn what is expected as a member of the armed services.

How often do Navy recruits go to boot camp?

This is where the Navy molds its newbies into ensigns, putting them through the arduous basic training that will serve them throughout their military careers. The Recruit Training Command processes more than 50,000 recruits through Navy boot camp every year. Here’s what to expect from Navy basic training. Preparing for Boot Camp

What’s the ultimate test in Navy boot camp?

You’ll also have to finish the confidence course this week — as a team. This is Navy boot camp’s ultimate test. Battle stations consist of 12 different scenarios incorporating everything you have learned during the previous weeks. You and your team will be graded on your ability to execute the required tasks.

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