What are prolonged symptoms of Lyme disease?

What are prolonged symptoms of Lyme disease?

Chronic symptoms of Lyme are a much longer list and may include vertigo, ringing in the ears, short-term memory loss, light and sound sensitivity, mood swings, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, and serious cardiac problems.

Can Lyme cause diarrhea?

Children and adolescents often exhibit Lyme disease symptoms in the GI tract. These include abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and blood in the stool. Gastrointestinal Lyme disease may mimic colitis or Crohn’s disease.

Does Lyme cause stomach issues?

Rarely does acute Lyme disease cause gastrointestinal symptoms, but occasionally nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and abdominal pain can occur. More commonly, digestive symptoms such as constipation, gas/bloating, and abdominal discomfort occur in chronic or late-stage Lyme disease.

Is Stage 2 Lyme disease curable?

Using Antibiotics to Treat Lyme Disease If you already have stage 1 (localized) or stage 2 (early disseminated) Lyme disease with the telltale bull’s-eye rash but no other significant symptoms, your doctor will most likely treat you with oral doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime for 14 to 21 days.

What is Stage 2 Lyme disease?

Symptoms of early disseminated Lyme disease (stage 2) may occur weeks to months after the tick bite, and may include: Numbness or pain in the nerve area. Paralysis or weakness in the muscles of the face. Heart problems, such as skipped heartbeats (palpitations), chest pain, or shortness of breath.

What are the signs and symptoms of myxofibrosarcoma?

The signs and symptoms of Myxofibrosarcoma include: The tumors may be sited just below the skin surface or in the deep tissues. 50-65% of the tumors affect the skin/subcutaneous region; the remaining 35-50% are found deeper in the tissues or muscles

What are the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease?

Notes Fever and other general symptoms may occur in the absence of rash. A small bump or redness at the site of a tick bite that occurs immediately and resembles a mosquito bite, is common. This irritation generally goes away in 1-2 days and is not a sign of Lyme disease.

What kind of soft tissue tumor is myxofibrosarcoma?

Myxofibrosarcoma (MFS) forms a group of malignant soft tissue tumors that are commonly observed in older adults. Morphologically, these tumors may be classified as high grade, intermediate-grade, or low-grade. A majority of the tumors involve the arms and legs, though it typically avoids the hands and feet.

How is myxofibrosarcoma treated in the United States?

The treatment of Myxofibrosarcoma is undertaken as follows: 1 Wide surgical excision of MFS with removal of the entire tumor is generally adopted. 2 Embolization (clotting the vessels in the tumor) may be used to provide temporary relief from… 3 Radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy may be used to destroy the remaining tumor cells,…

What are early stage signs and symptoms of Lyme disease?

Stage 1: Early localized Lyme disease (1 to 4 weeks)

  • An expanding, circular red rash (erythema migrans).
  • Flu-like symptoms, with or without the rash. The symptoms include: Lack of energy. Headache and stiff neck. Fever and chills. Muscle and joint pain. Swollen lymph nodes.

What is Stage 2 of Lyme disease?

Stage 2 is called early disseminated Lyme disease. The bacteria have begun to spread throughout the body. Stage 3 is called late disseminated Lyme disease. The bacteria have spread throughout the body.

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