What are the different types of well logging?

What are the different types of well logging?

Well Log Techniques

  • Acoustic Logs. Cement Bond Log. Cross-Dipole Acoustic Log.
  • Caliper Log.
  • Chemical Logging.
  • Density Log.
  • Gamma Log.
  • Image Logs.
  • Mud Logging.
  • Neutron Log.

Why is well logging important?

The process of extracting the detailed records of geologic formations made by a well or a borehole is called well logging. It helps in gathering the complete information including its formation traits and fluid properties.

What is well logging and its purpose?

The process of extracting the detailed records of geologic formations made by a well or a borehole is called well logging. It helps in gathering the complete information including its formation traits and fluid properties. Basically, you need a winch and an electrical logging cable to insert the probes into the well.

How many types of well logging are there?

Four types will be described here: acoustic velocity, acoustic waveform, cement bond, and acoustic televiewer. Spontaneous potential (SP) is one of the oldest logging techniques.

What are the 3 types of logging?

There are three major groups of timber harvest practices; clearcutting, shelterwood and selection systems.

What are the well logging tools?

Electric Micro Imaging Log.

  • Circumferential Borehole Acoustic Scanning.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log.
  • Multi-Array Induction Imager Tool (MIT)
  • High-resolution Array Laterolog Imager Tool (HAL)
  • Micro-Conductivity Imager Tool (MCI)
  • Multi-Pole Array Acoustic Logging Tool (MPAL)
  • Ultrasonic Imager Tool (UIT)
  • How are parameters of well log interpretation determined?

    Two categories of logging methods exist; Parameters of log interpretation are determined directly or inferred indirectly and are measured by 1. Open hole logging one of three general types of logs: 2. Cased hole logging • electrical • nuclear The ones used most frequently in hydrocarbon • acoustic or sonic logs exploration are openhole logs.

    What should be included in a well log?

    CONTENTS •Introduction Basic Well Log •Basic concepts Interpretation •Drilling Objectives •Categories of wells •Borehole Environment LECTURER: PROF. IDARA AKPABIO  1. Spontaneous Potential [email protected]  2. Gamma Ray  3. Resistivity Logs  4. Porosity Logs; Sonic, density, neutron  5. Temperature logs  6.

    How is well log analysis used for reservoir characterization?

    Some approaches are needed to characterize reservoir, by using well log data, the user may be able to calculate: The interpretation of well log data must be done in several steps and it is not recommended for the user to analyze them randomly because, the result might be a total error.

    How to read a well log in 5 minutes or less?

    But the results are magical.This is a technique I called ‘The Ko Ko Rules’ . To make it work, you need to have Gamma Ray Log, Resistivity Logs, Density and Neutron logs plotted on the same log plot respectively.

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