What causes leg claudication?

What causes leg claudication?

Claudication is pain in the legs or arms that comes on with walking or using the arms. This is caused by too little blood flow to your legs or arms. Claudication is usually a symptom of peripheral artery disease, in which the arteries that supply blood to your limbs are narrowed, usually because of atherosclerosis.

What is intermittent claudication caused by?

Intermittent Claudication is caused by narrowing or blockage in the main artery taking blood to your leg (femoral artery). This is due to hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

How do I get rid of claudication in my legs?


  1. Walking until you feel moderate pain.
  2. Resting to relieve pain.
  3. Walking again.
  4. Repeating the walk-rest-walk cycle for 30 to 45 minutes.
  5. Walking three or more days a week.

Can claudication go away?

Claudication is muscular pain, cramping, or fatigue that typically occurs during exercise and goes away with rest. Claudication is primarily a symptom of conditions that reduce blood flow in the legs, especially peripheral artery disease (PAD).

What are signs of bad circulation in legs?

Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation

  • Swollen veins and arteries (varicose or “spider” veins)
  • Heaviness in legs and feet.
  • Skin discoloration.
  • Swollen legs and feet.
  • Split, weeping skin.
  • Ulcers.
  • Pelvic pain or discomfort.
  • Restless legs and feet.

What is the treatment for claudication?

People with mild to moderate claudication are advised to keep walking, stop smoking, and reduce cardiovascular risk factors. Other treatments include antiplatelet therapy, pentoxifylline or cilostazol, angioplasty (inserting a balloon into the artery to open it up), and bypass surgery.

What is intermittent claudication symptoms?

Intermittent claudication. Intermittent claudication (Latin: claudicatio intermittens), is a symptom that describes muscle pain on mild exertion (ache, cramp, numbness or sense of fatigue), classically in the calf muscle, which occurs during exercise, such as walking, and is relieved by a short period of rest.

Can claudication be reversed?

The temporary pain you’re feeling is caused by impeded blood flow, also known as intermittent claudication. The pain indicates that not enough blood is getting through the veins in your arms or legs because they have been blocked, probably by large deposits of plaque. It can be serious, but luckily, it can also be reversed.

What is claudication disease?

Although claudication is sometimes considered a disease, but it not a disease. Instead, it is a symptom of a disease. Claudication (vascular claudication) is mostly a symptom of peripheral artery disease, which is a serious blood circulation problem in which the vessels that supply blood flow to the legs or arms of a person are narrowed.

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