What did God mean by stiff necked?
God Himself gave us the label of a stiff necked people, in the 32nd chapter of Exodus. The meaning since then has involved antagonism, stubbornness, argumentative, and going into minute detail in order to distinguish our point of view from others.
What is the opposite of stiff necked?
Near Antonyms for stiff-necked. improper, indecorous, unmannerly.
How does God deal with stubbornness?
You can’t break through his stubbornness — but God can. Pray that he’ll be willing to face his problems and listen to the advice of people who care about him. Pray most of all that he will realize his need for God’s forgiveness, and humbly submit his life to Jesus.
What does uncircumcised mean in the Bible?
The New JPS Tanakh translation adds the note: “uncircumcised of heart: I.e., their minds are blocked to God’s commandments.” Non-Jewish tribes that practiced circumcision were described as being “circumcised in uncircumcision.”( Jeremiah 9:24)
Does stiff necked mean stubborn?
Stubborn; obstinate. Alternative form of stiff-necked. Stubborn and arrogant.
What is the medical term for stiff neck?
Neck, chronic stiff: Also called torticollis or spasmodic torticollis, this is the most common of the focal dystonias: a state of abnormal — either excessive of inadequate — muscle tone.
Is Stubborn a sin in the Bible?
Ungodly stubbornness IS indeed a sin and it can exact a terrible cost … especially when we are stubborn against the clear instructions of God. Solomon said at the end of Chapter 12, “Love God And Do What He Says.” And I am here just going to add … and do what God says willingly, and without stubbornness.
Is circumcision required in Christianity?
Christianity and circumcision Circumcision is not laid down as a requirement in the New Testament. Instead, Christians are urged to be “circumcised of the heart” by trusting in Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross.
What part of the neck is stiff with meningitis?
A headache caused by meningitis is typically described as severe and unrelenting. It does not subside by taking an aspirin. Stiff neck. This symptom most commonly involves a reduced ability to flex the neck forward, also called nuchal rigidity.
What does the Bible say about stiff neck?
Answer: To be stiff-necked is to be obstinate and difficult to lead. The Bible often uses this figure of speech when describing the attitude of Israel toward God (e.g., Exodus 33:3; Deuteronomy 9:13; Nehemiah 9:16; Acts 7:51). The term was originally used to describe an ox that refused to be directed by the farmer’s ox goad.
What does the Bible say about stiff?
Acts 7:51-53 51 “You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit! 52 Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him- 53 you who have received the law that was given through angels but have not obeyed it.” Exodus 32:9 9 “I have seen these people,” the LORD said to Moses, “and they are a stiff -necked people.
What is the origin of stiff necked?
stif’-nekt (qesheh `oreph, literally, “hard of neck”): As it is figuratively used, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, the word means “stubborn,” “untractable,” “not to be led.”. The derivation of the idea was entirely familiar to the Jews, with whom the ox was the most useful and common of domestic animals.