What does a Magniloquent mean?

What does a Magniloquent mean?

: speaking in or characterized by a high-flown often bombastic style or manner magniloquent boasts.

What does the word Orotund mean?

1 : marked by fullness, strength, and clarity of sound : sonorous an orotund voice. 2 : pompous, bombastic an orotund speech.

What does the word falstaffian mean?

[ fawl-staf-ee-uhn ] adjective. of, relating to, or having the qualities of Falstaff, especially his robust, bawdy humor, good-natured rascality, and brazen braggadocio: Falstaffian wit.

How do you use Magniloquent in a sentence?

How to use magniloquent in a sentence

  1. He would be a terrifying presence: a magniloquent, more than slightly mad, extremely charming monster.
  2. An ambitious stripling has only to brandish his sword and shout a few magniloquent words to induce them to rush to certain death.

What is the meaning of pomposity in English?

1 : pompous demeanor, speech, or behavior. 2 : a pompous gesture, habit, or act.

What does circuitous mean in the dictionary?

adjective. roundabout; not direct: a circuitous route; a circuitous argument.

What’s another word for falstaffian?

Falstaffian Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for Falstaffian?

overweight fat
plump portly
rotund chubby
fleshy corpulent
obese tubby

Where did the word falstaffian come from?

The word Falstaffian developed from William Shakespeare’s character Sir John Falstaff. In transition from a proper noun to adjective, the word has come to describe people similar to Falstaff (rotund and jolly).

What does Magniloquent mean in Latin?

Magniloquent shares the Latin root loqui, “speak,” with eloquent and also describes a way of speaking. However, magniloquent describes speech that sounds very intelligent and important, but may in fact have little substance. Another adjective that sounds similar and conveys the same meaning is grandiloquent.

What does Declamitory mean?

: expressing feelings or opinions in a way that is loud and forceful.

What is moral pomposity?

pompous parading of dignity or importance. an instance of being pompous, as by ostentatious loftiness of language, manner, or behavior.

Is pomposity a real word?

The noun pomposity means super-sized self-confidence. A person who thinks he or she is better than every else suffers from pomposity — and everyone in that person’s life suffers, too. Pomposity, pronounced “pahm-POSS-ih-tee,” isn’t just for arrogant people.

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