What does Cage stand for in CAGE questionnaire?

What does Cage stand for in CAGE questionnaire?

CAGE is derived from the four questions of the tool: Cut down, Annoyed, Guilty, and Eye-opener. CAGE Source: Ewing 1984.

What is the cage assessment?

The CAGE Assessment (also called the CAGE Questionnaire) is a preliminary test. It’s a set of questions that are used to show you may have a substance abuse dependency in adults. The letters CAGE stand for Cut, Annoyed, Guilty, and Eye, based on the questions that can help tell if you have a substance abuse problem.

What questions are asked in the CAGE questionnaire?

The CAGE questionnaire asks the following questions: Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your drinking? Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?

Why is the CAGE questionnaire used?

The CAGE questionnaire is used to test for alcohol abuse and dependence in adults. The CAGE- AID version of the tool has been adapted to include drug use. These tools are not used to diagnose diseases, but only to indicate whether a problem might exist.

What does Cage mean?


Acronym Definition
CAGE Coalition Against Global Extremism
CAGE Cut Down, Annoyed, Guilty and Eye Opener (alcohol use disorders screening test)
CAGE Commercial Activity/Government Entity
CAGE Capillary Affinity Gel Electrophoresis

What does Cage mean in nursing?

Questions, Scoring, Variations, and Accuracy
CAGE Questionnaire: Questions, Scoring, Variations, and Accuracy.

How reliable is the CAGE questionnaire?

Results: CAGE has demonstrated high test-retest reliability (0.80-0.95), and adequate correlations (0.48-0.70) with other screening instruments.

How many questions are in the CAGE questionnaire?

four questions
The CAGE questionnaire is a series of four questions that doctors can use to check for signs of possible alcohol dependency. The questions are designed to be less obtrusive than directly asking someone if they have a problem with alcohol.

What is the full form of cage?

CAGE Full Form is computerized aerospace ground equipment Term.

Is SBIRT a screening tool?

SBIRT stands for Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment. patients whose screening indicates a need for additional services.

What are the steps of SBIRT?

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment

  • About SBIRT.
  • Resources.

What are the cage questions?

The CAGE questionnaire is a series of four questions that doctors can use to check for signs of possible alcohol dependency. The questions are designed to be less obtrusive than directly asking someone if they have a problem with alcohol.

What are cage screening questions?

The CAGE questionnaire , the name of which is an acronym of its four questions, is a widely used screening test for problem drinking and potential alcohol problems.

What is cage aid questionnaire?

The CAGE-AID is a conjoint questionnaire where the focus of each item of the CAGE questionnaire was expanded from alcohol alone to include alcohol and other drugs. Potential advantage is to screen for alcohol and drug problems conjointly rather than separately.

What is a cage score?

The resulting total point is called the CAGE score. The CAGE score enables the physician to stratify patients along a continuum of risk for alcoholism: the higher the CAGE score the greater the probability of alcoholism.

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