What does the bolt from the blue mean?
: a complete surprise : something totally unexpected.
Where does the saying a bolt out of the blue come from?
The allusion here is to the surprise like a lightening bolt from a clear sky. Thomas Carlyle was the first author known to have used the term in print, in his The French Revolution, 1837: “Arrestment, sudden really as a bolt out of the Blue, has hit strange victims.”
Should come to you like a bolt from the blue?
COMMON If an event or a piece of news is, or comes like, a bolt from the blue, it is completely unexpected. A Foreign Office spokesman had described the coup as `a bolt from the blue’. Note: You can also say that something is, or comes like, a bolt out of the blue.
How do you use the word bolt from the blue in a sentence?
- The news of his death was a bolt from the blue.
- Was this money a bolt from the blue or did you know you were going to get it?
- Her dismissal came as a bolt from the blue.
- The news of his marriage was a bolt from the blue.
- His sudden death came as a bolt from the blue.
- The Mishcon job came like a bolt from the blue.
What is the definition of bolt from the Blue?
Definition of bolt from the blue. : a complete surprise : something totally unexpected — called also bolt out of the blue.
What’s the meaning of red, white, and blue?
Combining the colors red, white, and blue create a patriotic color palette for the United States, mirroring the colors in the American Flag. Navy blue and white, when used together, create a nautical, oceanic color palette that often represents sailing, and sailors.
What’s the meaning of navy blue and white?
Navy blue and white, when used together, create a nautical, oceanic color palette that often represents sailing, and sailors. The terms “feeling blue” or “getting the blues” refers to the extreme calm feelings associated with blue, such as sadness and depression. The saying “out of the blue” is used in reference to something unexpected.
What’s the meaning of the color blue ribbon?
The saying “baby blues” is used to describe the sadness that women feel after giving birth. It is often used in reference to post-partum depression. A “blue ribbon” represents the best, first place, top prize, or number one.