What happened to Jive software?

What happened to Jive software?

Jive, a community collaboration software company that was one of the biggest Enterprise 2.0-era success stories, going public in 2011, announced today it had agreed to be acquired by ESW Capital’s Wave Systems for $462 million. It will become part of the Aurea family of companies.

What is Jive software used for?

Jive is a social networking platform for business applications. Jive has described itself as “the leading provider of modern communication and collaboration solutions for business.” Essentially a secure intranet, Jive is software that allows coworkers to connect with one another and collaborate on all things business.

Is Jive an intranet?

Jive is an intranet employees really use and love. They get more done and they’re happier doing it, thanks to our next-level features.

What are the features of Jive?

Jive is a very happy, boppy, energetic dance, with plenty of knee-lifting, bending, and rocking of the hips. The fastest of the Latin dances, jive incorporates lots of kicks and flicks, even twirling of the woman, and doesn’t move around the dance floor like other dances.

Who bought out jive?

Today LogMeIn, the company that offers conferencing services like GoToMeeting and join.me as well as authentication and other online services to businesses and others, announced that it would acquire Jive Communications for $342 million in cash plus up to $15 million based on reaching specific milestones in the next …

How much does jive cost?

Jive charges customers monthly on a tiered per user basis. 1-4 users costs $29.95 per user; 5-9 users costs $25.95 per user; 10-24 users costs $23.95 per user; 25-49 users costs $21.95 per user; and 50+ users costs $19.95 per user. Special pricing is available for businesses with 100+ users.

Is Jive Turkey an insult?

Turkeys are known to gobble, adding to the sense of jive, and have been variously used to insult someone as “dull” or “worthless.” The insult jive turkey also appeared on popular 1970s-1980s sitcoms, such as The Jeffersons.

How do you jive?

To do a simple jive, step to the left with your left foot, step to the right with your right foot, then step back with your left foot, and finally pick up your right foot and place it down. The jive is a partner dance, so your partner should do the opposite motions so you can move as one.

Is Jive and LogMeIn the same?

The LogMeIn collaboration portfolio, alone, serves 25 million users, seven million meetings, and over 900 million conferencing minutes every month. Headquartered in Orem, Utah, Jive Communications is a privately held, venture-backed company with offices in the U.S., Canada and Latin America.

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