What is the best fertilizer for acers?
I recommend using a slow or controlled release type fertilizer. Commercially known as Polyon or Osmocote, these are the most common and both work very well on Japanese maples.
When should I fertilize my acers?
Feed with a balanced proprietary fertilizer in spring just as the leaves emerge. Repot every 3 – 4 years in spring well before the first new growth emerges, – this means effectively in February or early March. In the main acers do not need or like pruning.
When should you fertilize Japanese maples?
Fertilizer. Japanese maples should only be fertilized after they’re a year old, or during the second growing season. The best time to fertilize is late winter or early spring. Japanese maples are naturally slow-growing trees, so stimulating rapid growth with a high-nitrogen fertilizer should be avoided.
What kind of fertilizer does a Japanese maple need?
A general guideline to use for mature Japanese maple trees is 1/10 pound of nitrogen for every 1 inch of tree trunk diameter measured at 4 1/2 feet from the ground. If you fertilize other plants in the Japanese maple trees’ area at the same time, use the guideline of 1/10 pound of nitrogen per 100 square feet.
Is bone meal good for Acers?
With regard to feeding your plant I would use a general base fertiliser sprinkled around the base of the Acer in early Springtime – Fish Blood and Bone Meal or GrowMore are good established products to use. With your infected Acer you will need to cut out any diseased branches and stems.
Are coffee grounds good for acers?
Bottom Line. Because too much nitrogen from coffee grounds may be detrimental to a Japanese maple, test the soil to determine if it is depleted. Coffee grounds may help the soil and the tree growth, but they should be used moderately to avoid overfertilization.
Is bone meal good for acers?
What is a good slow release fertilizer?
Using Slow Release Fertilizers All the large fertilizer companies, such as Scotts, Schultz, Miracle-Gro, Osmocote and Vigoro, have their own lines of slow release fertilizer. These slow release fertilizers have the same type of NPK ratings as immediate releasing fertilizers, for example 10-10-10 or 4-2-2.
Why are the leaves on my Japanese maple curling?
A Leaves turning brown at the edges, curling, shrivelling and sometimes dying is a common problem with Japanese maples, especially those with feathery, paler or variegated leaves. It can be caused by frost, cold, drying winds, dry or wet soil and sun. Place in dappled shade and protect from cold winds.
Is Miracle Grow good for Acers?
Miracle-Gro Sulphate of Iron Ericaceous Soil Conditioner is ideal for ericaceous (acid loving, lime-hating) plants such as Rhododendrons, Azalea, Camellia, Heathers, Pieris, Hydrangeas, Roses, Blueberries and Acers. It helps make all soil nutrients available to plants allowing them to take up the nutrients they need.