What is the meaning of coherent coherent?
logically connected; consistent: a coherent argument. having a natural or due agreement of parts; harmonious: a coherent design. cohering; sticking together: a coherent mass of sticky candies.
What do you mean by coherence?
Coherence, a fixed relationship between the phase of waves in a beam of radiation of a single frequency. Two beams of light are coherent when the phase difference between their waves is constant; they are noncoherent if there is a random or changing phase relationship.
What does coherent mean in childcare?
If something is coherent, it is well planned, so that it is clear and sensible and all its parts go well with each other.
What is inert in Tagalog?
Translation for word Inert in Tagalog is : hindi gumagalaw.
What is coherent and example?
The definition of coherent is sticking together or easy to understand. A group of people who vote the same way is an example of coherent. A person who speaks clearly and makes sense is an example of coherent.
Which is an example of coherence?
The definition of coherence is something logical or consistent and something that makes sense as a whole. An example of coherence is an argument that has no inconsistencies. The quality of being logically integrated, consistent, and intelligible; congruity. His story lacked coherence.
What is coherent thinking?
If someone is coherent, they express their thoughts in a clear and calm way, so that other people can understand what they are saying. He’s so calm when he answers questions in interviews. I wish I could be that coherent. Synonyms: articulate, lucid, comprehensible, intelligible More Synonyms of coherent.
What are the examples of coherent?
A group of people who vote the same way is an example of coherent. A person who speaks clearly and makes sense is an example of coherent. Sticking together; cohering. Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.
What does the word coherent mean in Tagalog?
(of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent. united as or forming a whole. (of waves) having a constant phase relationship. they failed to develop a coherent economic strategy
When does a signal have a coherence time?
In the broad spectrum of the graph, the signals aren’t coherent. But if you look at a small time segment (a few cycles), they are close to being coherent. Looking at it this way, the signals are said to have a “coherence time”. If the phase difference of the two waves is the same, they are coherent.
Which is the best definition of phase coherence?
Two definitions that we like are listed below. In many ways, the term ‘Phase-coherent’ is not strictly defined. Often, it is interpreted as signals/systems operating at the same frequency with a consistent phase relationship. In physics, two wave sources are perfectly coherent if they have a constant phase difference and the same frequency.
Can a wave be coherent with a constant phase difference?
Often, it is interpreted as signals/systems operating at the same frequency with a consistent phase relationship. In physics, two wave sources are perfectly coherent if they have a constant phase difference and the same frequency. These are both great definitions, although I have a feeling you may be thinking to yourself: “Ok…Got it!