What is the meaning of gazetted?

What is the meaning of gazetted?

Gazetted is defined as something that has been announced or published in a newspaper, often called a gazette. When news of your wedding is published in your local home town newspaper, this is an example of when it is gazetted. verb.

What is the meaning of gazette in government?

From Longman Business Dictionaryga‧zette /gəˈzet/ noun [countable] a newspaper, often one listing official announcements such as legal notices or the names of people who have taken up a position in government.

What is the meaning of Gazzed?

verb (used without object), gazed, gaz·ing. to look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity, interest, pleasure, or wonder. noun. a steady or intent look.

What is meaning of gazetted officer?

Gazetted Officers are executive/managerial level ranked government officers in India. If a person’s name is published in the Gazette of India or any state government gazette, he/she is called Gazetted. Any appointment released and published in the government gazette is called a gazetted appointment.

What is the meaning of gazetted holiday?

A gazetted holiday means a mandatory holiday across the country irrespective of the state or the region. This holiday has to be compulsorily allowed in schools, colleges, offices and banks. The three gazetted holidays in India are Republic day, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti.

What does it mean to gazette a document?

A gazette is an official journal, a newspaper of record, or simply a newspaper. In English- and French-speaking countries, newspaper publishers have applied the name Gazette since the 17th century; today, numerous weekly and daily newspapers bear the name The Gazette.

How does Government Gazette work?

The Government Gazette publishes regulations and notices in terms of acts, changes of names, company registrations and deregistrations, financial statements, land restitution notices, liquor licence applications and transport permits.

Is principal of school a gazetted officer?

The principal of government school is covered under the Class II category of Gazetted officer. The principal of a government college is covered under the Class I category of a gazetted officer, and Headmaster of Government college is also regarded as gazetted officers.

What does gazetting mean?

In short, gazetting is the publishing of official information by the government in its own publication called the government gazette. Of course other newspapers and sources can also publish but in most instances the law requires that the government makes an official publication in the government gazette. Tapiwa Shumba.

What does Gazette mean?

A gazette is an official journal, a newspaper of record, or simply a newspaper.

What is the meaning of the term gazetted officer?

gazetted officer means a police officer of any rank from and including the Commissioner down to and including a probationary assistant superintendent;

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