What is the problem with marigolds?

What is the problem with marigolds?

The conflicts of Marigolds are internal and external. The internal conflict is Lizabeth versus herself emotionally with innocence, compassion, growing up, and accepting responsibility. The external conflict involves Lizabeth and the poverty and rough times while growing up.

What are the most fragrant marigolds?

Other unusual perennial Marigolds are the fragrant, culinary perennial Tagetes nelsonii, referred to as the Citrus Scented Marigold, and the tasty culinary perennial Spanish Tarragon, Tagetes lucida. Tangerine Scented Marigold is one of the six plants chosen to be in our Zone 8 Fragrant Herb Garden Six Pack.

What are the best marigolds?

Here are the Top 25 Marigold flowers by popular choice.

  • Tagetes Patula Bonanza Yellow: Save.
  • Tagetes Patula Disco Orange: Save.
  • Tagetes Patula Safari Red: Save.
  • Tagetes Patula Safari Scarlet: Save.
  • Marigold Mr. Majestic Double:
  • Marigold Colossus: Save.
  • Tagetes Patula Safari Bolero: Save.
  • Tagetes erecta Inca Primrose: Save.

What month is best to plant marigolds?

Plant your marigolds in the spring, after the last frost. If you choose to start from seed indoors, you can begin the process about 2 months before the last expected frost. Seeds will germinate anywhere from 4 to 14 days in warm soil that has an average temperature of 70°F – 75°F.

Do marigolds attract spider mites?

Marigolds – The marigold is probably the most well-known plant for repelling insects. If you choose marigolds for your garden they must be scented to work as a repellant. And while this plant drives away many bad bugs, it also attracts spider mites and snails.

Why are marigolds dying?

Marigolds may also be affected by root, crown and stem rot, which are caused by fungi that infect the crowns and roots of the plant. Because the fungus attacks the roots, plant growth is usually stunted as well, and the marigold may eventually die.

Does marigold need full sun?

When & Where to Plant Marigolds Light: Full sun, to partial shade. Soil: Marigolds prefer fertile soil, preferably loose and loamy with adequate drainage, yet can also tolerate dry conditions. Spacing: Sow seeds directly in the garden 1-inch apart, or in seed trays to transplant with root system is established.

Should I soak marigold seeds before planting?

Large seeds such as sunflowers and nasturtiums benefit from soaking in warm water overnight. Other flower seeds that will germinate faster include moonflowers, lupins, sweet peas and morning glories. Smaller seeds such as zinnia and marigolds can be soaked as well.

What can you not plant with marigolds?

Marigold companion planting enhances the growth of basil, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, gourds, kale, potatoes, squash and tomatoes. Marigold also makes a good companion plant to melons because it deters beetles. Beans and cabbage are listed as bad companion plants for marigolds.

How big does a disco marigold plant get?

A great improvement over all previous single-flowered varieties, Disco is a riot of bright color on compact, well-branched, early-blooming plants. The 2¼-inch blooms dazzle in festive shades of yellow, orange, and red (including bicolors), and they arise in tremendous numbers on these compact yet well-branched 12-inch plants.

When to plant disco and Magellan marigold seeds?

And where marigolds go, butterflies follow. Sow direct in the garden when the soil has warmed, or start seeds indoors in late winter. Very easy to grow in full sun. Last year beautiful. I purchased Disco and Magellan last year and saved seeds off of…….I do not remember maybe both.

What kind of blooms do marigolds have?

This marigold prolifically produces blooms that are deep red with orange accents during cool weather and orange with yellow when temperatures are warmer. A row of “Red Metamorphs” forms a dense, attractive hedge.

How tall does a red metamorph Marigold get?

The “Red Metamorph” marigold, a cultivar of Tagetes patula, or French marigold, grows 2 to 3 feet tall and is a hardy annual that may reseed itself. This marigold prolifically produces blooms that are deep red with orange accents during cool weather and orange with yellow when temperatures are warmer.

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