What is the relationship between Congress agencies and interest groups called?

What is the relationship between Congress agencies and interest groups called?

In United States politics, the “iron triangle” comprises the policy-making relationship among the congressional committees, the bureaucracy, and interest groups, as described in 1981 by Gordon Adams.

What do political parties and interest groups have in common quizlet?

Terms in this set (27) What is the difference between a political party & an interest group? Political parties want to win elections and take control of the government. Interest groups are citizens that join together and voice their opinions and their goal is to influence the government.

What is the best example of an informational benefit provided by many interest groups?

Informational benefits include special newsletters, periodicals, training programs, and conferences available only to group members. Material benefits are the special goods, services, or money provided to entice members to join groups.

Which is a technique interest groups use to lobby Congress?

Direct Techniques. Lobbyists employ direct lobbying in the United States to influence United States legislative bodies through direct interaction with legislators.

What is the role of interest groups in the political process as opposed to parties quizlet?

-Interest groups want to control/influence the POLICIES of government, while political parties want to control government itself. The political arm of an interest group, there are 4,000 of them. They pool voluntary contributions of their members into a single fund and give their funds to favored candidates.

How can interest groups affect primary elections quizlet?

How do interest groups influence elections? Interest groups become involved in elections to influence Policymakers. They may contribute funds, make independent expenditures, advocate issues, and mobilize voters.

What are four ways interest groups impact the government quizlet?

Terms in this set (4)

  • Lobbying. When a representative of an interest group tries to influence the government by communicating with those in government.
  • Litigation. Lawsuits.
  • Mobilizing public opinion. Institutional advertising, protests and demonstrations, and grassroot mobilizations.
  • Using electoral politics.
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