What nerve Innervates the lingual gingiva?

What nerve Innervates the lingual gingiva?

The Lingual nerve (LN) is a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V3) that is responsible for general somatic afferent (sensory) innervation. It supplies the mucous membranes of the mandibular lingual gingiva, floor of the mouth and the ipsilateral two-thirds of the tongue.

What runs with lingual nerve?

General sensation is served by the lingual nerve, a branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3), with fibres running in the chorda tympani joining the lingual nerve to supply the taste buds and salivary glands. Afferent fibres, subserving touch and pain and temperature run in the lingual nerve to the trigeminal ganglion.

Can lingual nerve damage be repaired?

Lingual nerve repairs can be undertaken in a variety of ways: direct anastomosis (by far the most common), nerve autograft (used historically by some surgeons), vein conduits and, more recently, allografts, with differing results.

How do you prevent lingual nerve damage?

To prevent injury to the lingual nerve, it is important (I) to assess the integrity of the mandibular inner cortex and exclude the presence of fenestration, which could cause the dislocation of the tooth or its fragment into the sublingual or submandibular space; (II) to avoid inappropriate or excessive dislocation …

How do you know if you have lingual nerve damage?

If your lingual nerve sustains an injury, you’ll most likely experience any of these nerve damage symptoms: Changed sensation in the tongue, chin, or lower lip areas (similar to sensations you feel when your oral cavity is numbed for a dental procedure or as the anesthesia slowly wears off) Altered ability to taste.

What side is the lingual nerve on?

The lingual nerve is a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve supplying the anterior two thirds of the tongue and responding to stimuli of pressure, touch, and temperature (Image #1 & 2). There is a lingual nerve for the right side of the tongue and one for the left side.

How long does lingual nerve damage last?

Injury to the lingual nerve may also affect taste perception on the affected side of the tongue. The vast majority (approximately 90%) of these injuries are temporary in nature and resolve within eight weeks. However, if the injury persists beyond six months it is deemed to be permanent.

What happens if lingual nerve is damaged?

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