Where can I get a Saveaway ticket on Mersey Ferries?
Saveaway tickets are valid on buses, trains and Mersey Ferries* in in either one area or all areas across Merseyside. If you find that your journey will take you outside your chosen ticket’s area, simply pay the normal fare for the ‘extra’ part of your journey before the journey begins.
Where can I get a Saveaway train ticket?
Saveaway tickets are valid on buses, trains and Mersey Ferries* in in either one area or all areas across Merseyside. If you find that your journey will take you outside your chosen ticket’s area,…
When do you get a day saver on Merseyrail?
Make as many journeys as you like throughout the day with a Day Saver ticket. Day Savers are valid for unlimited travel on the Merseyrail network, only excluding peak hours 06.31 – 09.29 Monday – Friday. Outside of these hours, including all day weekends and Bank Holidays you can hop on and off the train as much as you want with a Day Saver!
Can you use one day train tickets in Merseyside?
Saveaways are cheap, one day tickets that you can use for unlimited travel on buses, trains and ferries in Merseyside at off peak times. All Area Saveaways are also valid in Areas F and G. Saveaways are valid on all Train Companies shown only within these areas.
How can I check the number of zones on Merseytravel?
Check which zone your journey starts in and which zone it ends in then make a note of the zones you travel through. Add the number of zones together (if you travel through two or more zones in one area, this counts as one area).
Do you pay for extra fare on Merseytravel?
Add the number of zones together (if you travel through two or more zones in one area, this counts as one area). If you find that your journey will take you outside your chosen ticket’s zone or area, simply pay the normal fare for the ‘extra’ part of your journey before the journey begins.