Where was Dr Mashelkar born?

Where was Dr Mashelkar born?

Marcel, Goa
Raghunath Anant Mashelkar/Place of birth

Where was dr ra Mashelkar born2 points pune Mashel mumbai nagpur?

Raghunath Anant Mashelkar, also known as Ramesh Mashelkar, (born 1 January 1943) is an Indian Chemical Engineer, born in a village Mashel in Goa and brought up in Maharashtra.

What kind of life did mashelkar live during his childhood?

Early Life and Education He lost his father at the age of 6 and then onwards was brought up by his mother Late Mrs. Anjani Mashelkar. They lived in a chawl which was a type of shared tenement and had to struggle hard to earn his daily piece of bread.

What is Mashelkar Committee?

The Government of India decided to constitute an Expert Committee under the chairmanship of Dr. R.A. Mashelkar to examine all the aspects regarding the regulatory infrastructure and the extent and problem of spurious/substandard drugs in the country. Drugs Controller General (India) acted as the Member Secretary. 3.

Why was mashelkar constituted?

The Government had formed a high powered Mashelkar Committee to decide about the National Auto Fuel Policy in the year 2003. This interview was given by RAM after the Government had accepted the Report.

What is Mashelkar Committee report?

Mashelkar to examine all the aspects regarding the regulatory infrastructure and the extent and problem of spurious/substandard drugs in the country. The Committee was asked to make recommendations and suggest a roadmap for implementation of the recommended measures so that this problem could be solved in its entirety.

Which is the best university for Raghunath Anant Mashelkar?

Dr. Mashelkar has received several awards and is a member of numerous scientific bodies and committees. So far, 42 universities from around the world have honored him with honorary doctorates, which include Universities of London, Salford, Pretoria, Wisconsin, Swinburne, Monash and Delhi.

How did Raghunath Anant Mashelkar win the Battle of revocation?

Led by Mashelkar, CSIR successfully fought the battle of revocation of the US patent on wound healing properties of turmeric (USP 5,401,5041) claiming that this was India’s traditional knowledge and therefore not novel.

How did Raghunath Anant Mashelkar create gelzyme?

Mashelkar and co-workers demonstrated for the first time a novel enzyme mimicking hydrogel (gelzyme) in the form of a polymeric chymotrypsin mimic, whose hydrolytic activity could be rapidly, precisely and reversibly triggered on / off by UV light and pH.

Where did Mahesh Mashelkar get his PhD degree?

Mashelkar studied at University of Bombay ‘s University Department of Chemical Technology (UDCT; now the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai) where he obtained BE degree in Chemical Engineering in 1966, and PhD degree in 1969. He currently serves as Chancellor of the institute.

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